001- Silenco

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I groaned pushing in my vanity chair as the makeup artist finished my makeup, "What's wrong, amour."
I gave him a small smile, "Nothing, I just look perfect–to perfect."

Louis laughed, brushing one of my brunette curls out of my face. "That's my job, and you just make it easier."

"I'll see you around Louis, don't miss me too much." I jokingly say as I walk out of the dressing room. I snuck off to my bedroom to apply my signature dark red lipstick, I could never tell Louis how badly other colors looked on me.

I darted out from my bedroom, patting down my black dress that had a slit running up the sides to show off my louboutins. It was a quarter till eight, which meant guests would be showing up an hour early. Fantastic.
I slapped a fake pearly smile on my face and made it down my grand staircase.

"Elara love, you look wonderful." My mother grinned kissing the top of my head, "So classy." My father added, I gave them both a smile. "Credit is due to Louis."

Many families began to arrive, and I had to greet every-single-one of them. I was mentally pulling my hair, it was always the same sentence— "Thank you for showing up, everyone looks fantastic." even though I barely knew the guests, it had been different families all my life, they would never dare to arrive back if my father knew their statuses.

There was one family that constantly popped up in our picture though—ever since I could remember as a child. The Malfoy's. Their status was always pure and powerful. Everyone wanted to be seen by the Malfoy's but only few got attention.

I went to school with their son, Draco. He was an imbecile, cocky, arrogant, pompous, conceited, you get it, hopefully.

Draco could've cared less about how you felt about him, he just wanted to get under everyone's skin. Especially that poor girl, Granger. I always saw them ending up together, but unfortunately she doesn't meet his father's requirements.

Which my family also agree on, one must be pure blood, have great social status, and comply in traditional values. Which was very difficult to meet.
So therefore, I am single but that doesn't stop me from having my fun.

Pansy Parkinson and I have been best friends ever since 3rd year, she invites me places, I invite her places. She's my plus one. Draco still has his friendships with his childhood friends such as, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, and Lorenzo Berkshire. I've always had a slight crush on Enzo— keyword slight.

I let out a sigh grabbing a glass of champagne, and walked back over towards my parents. "We're in for a long night." My mother smiled, she loved every ounce of attention— without my mother I doubt my father would even open our driveway gate.

I smile back before downing the champagne, my mother gave me a startled look and before she could say anything, yours truly– the Malfoy's had arrived.
"Narcissa," my mom grinned bringing her into a tight hug, "Lucius." My father smiled at him hanging him a glass of wine.

I mentally sighed before looking up meeting the familiar grey eyes that tormented me— "Draco." I said with obvious envy, "Elara." He smirked back, he wore a suit that was tailored perfectly to his body. He must've got more lean over summer. He is so–.

"Why don't you children wonder off, we are going to go in the ballroom." My mother smiled, I wanted to slap the blonde boy eyeing me.

"Listen, i'm going to find peace and quiet. Catch you later." I smiled turning my back to him, "I'm coming with you."

I turned around disgusted, "Like hell you are."

He smirked towering over me, "Show me where you would like to go, darling." he teased.

I groaned, stomping my way up the stairs. I chose the library, it had always been my safe space— the fireplace flared in the corner of the room, couches, and books filled the large area.

"I didn't expect you'd want to get cozy with me." Draco smirked sitting down in my favorite chair. "Get the fuck up right now."

His eyes narrowed, "Am I in your spot, princess?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, "You are you stupid little ferret."

His eyes darkened, his face turned a slight pink, "Call me that again, I dare you." his fingers tapped on the arm rests.

I laughed evilly, "Did I hit a nerve, Malfoy?" He rose from my seat, looking down on me. "You look awfully nice tonight, I would suggest to change your vocabulary to match the aesthetic of yourself."

I pressed my lips together, "I would love to suggest that you don't ever tell me what to do, you half witted fuck."

He smirked shaking his head, "You haven't changed one bit, have you? Still hanging onto that old personality."

I gave him a fake smile, "I'm glad you've noticed, and I see you're also the same– are you not?"

He rolled his tongue in the side of his cheek, "You'll never find somebody with that stupid ass attitude. Prepare to end the Leclair bloodline."

I bit my bottom lip, "You're one to talk–you couldn't find somebody if your life depended on it, for christ sakes, if you wait any longer you'll be bald due to all that bleach."

"Elara Leclair." My mother frowned, I sighed giving her a smile. "Just a bit of small talk."

"I suggest you two go wait in the meeting room, whilst the guards escort everyone out." My father stated as Lucious nodded slowly—

I begin to walk out the library heading towards the meeting room, this was going to be a long night.

My manicured fingers tapped on the wooden table, that nearly felt a mile long. Me and Draco sat at opposite ends, not daring to glare at each other.

Finally, my family and his arrived closing the door behind them. "Are you two not wondering why you're here?" My mother asked taking a seat, I shrugged as so did Draco.

"Use your words, I didn't raise a non verbal." Lucious snapped at Draco causing him to sit up straight. My father just glared at me.

"You two are here today because you are our bloodlines, the ones whom will inherit every single dime, every single place, you name it." My father stated as Draco's parents nodded with a small grin— overachievers.

"There is absolutely nobody on this planet worthy of ever getting a piece of our hard work." Lucius beamed, "Our children scored the highest possible score on the OWL's, our children understand what goes into being the most powerful."

My parents nodded, I eyed them back in fourth. Where the fuck was this going. I glared up at Draco who had the same expression.

"Therefor, you two will be getting married." His father chirped out, We both stood up at the same time— "You've got to be fucking joking." I yelled, "Do you really think I would want to marry her– she's vile." he yelled towards his parents.


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