Nobody Said Anything

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Bres POV

-At Prods House-

Bre: *walks in* Prod?

*No answer*

Bre: *goes upstairs and sees he's not home* I don't believe him. The girls have been making feel so bad about Jacob but he's cheating too. *phone rings*

Bre: Hello?

Jacob: Hey are you home?

Bre: Yeah why?

Jacob: I have some bad news.

Bre: What?

Jacob: I need to tell you in person.

Bre: Ok. Come on over.

Jacob: Aight bye.

He was here in like 5 minutes.

Bre: So wassup?

Jacob: I saw Prod.

Bre: Okay and?

Jacob: I saw him with a girl downtown. It looked just like RJs ex. The Jade girl.

Bre: You're lying.

Jacob: No I'm not. I even saw them all hugged up and everything.

Bre: Wow. Nique was right.

Jacob: Sorry.

Bre: It's not your fault.

Jacob: Should I go now?

Bre: No stay...please?

Jacob: Okay.

Bre: I think I should tell Ray.

Jacob: Why?

Bre: I forgot you don't know. Well turns out Ray and that girl are sorta going out now. But she's cheating on him. I bet she was just using him to get to Prod.

Jacob: Damn that's messed up.

Bre: I can't really be mad at him. I've been cheating on him too.

Jacob: With me.

Bre: know what? I'm not even gonna sit here and mope around. Come on.

Jacob: Where are we going?

Bre: Downtown.

Jacob: Uh-ohh.


Bre: You said they were near that noodle place right?

Jacob: Yeah.

Bre: Ok come on.

-Noodles & Company-

Bre: I see him! He's in the back.

Jacob: Shits about to get real.

Bre: Just follow my lead. *walks up to Prod and Jade* Oh hey Jade! Remember me?

Jade: You look familiar. I don't remember where I've seen you.

Bre: I'm your boyfriends friend. Remember...Ray!

Jade: 😳 *looks at Prod* Yeah.

Jacob: Can we join you guys?

Jade: Actually we were just about to leave.

Bre: Oh that's too was nice seeing you though!

Jade: Yeah you too. *leaves Prod sitting there*

Bre: Well baby lets go home.

Prod: Okay-shit. *face-palms*

Bre: I'm sorry do I know you?

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