About an hour before the ceremony...

Authors note: Ok so no ones likely to read this but Wattpad kinda ruined the original format of this chapter and I tried my best to fix it. So if you want the more edited version I suggest reading this on Ao3, the fic is under the same name.

Walking to the Headmages office with my Vice Housewarden in tow makes me wonder why exactly we were summoned before the ceremony in the first place. Adjusting my robe's sleeves as we walk down the hall towards his office I question what in the world must have happened for the Headmage to summon us before the ceremony. This year ought to be an interesting one.As I enter the office with my Vice I see the Headmage and Professor Crewel arguing about something, with an unfamiliar person in the room as well. They look pretty short, probably shorter than Riddle or Lilia, and they seem to be quietly watching the two have their little screaming match. Considering that this student does not look familiar to me whatsoever they must be in their first year. But why are they here rather than being in a coffin? I mean it is customary for the first years to be brought to the school by the ebony carriage within a coffin.

 "Damn it Crowley what the hell do you think you're pulling here you damn crow? She deserves to be sorted like any other student!" The Professor was clearly irritated with the Headmage. It appears that the two are arguing about the new student. They appear shaken up with the two yelling at each other, like they wanna run away from the yelling and conflict.

"Hey, are you ok?" I ask the shaken student. The shorter student kept quiet and continued shaking, clearly unable to respond. I can't see their face properly due to their hood, but based on the lumps on their head they must be a beastman. That or their hair is weirdly lumpy, hmmm, most likely a beastman.

 "Hey are you ok? Did ya hear me? Man are those lumps on your head? Ooh maybe you're a beastmen. Are ya?" Oh no they seemed to have shrunken away even more. "H-hey don't turn away. S-sorry hey you ok?" Maybe the two yelling is affecting them a little too much? Wait a second... Did the professor say she?

End of POV

The next day

Starting the school year in this school's pretty great so far but living with three other guys isn't really fun with how crammed Heartslabyul is. As I walk to my first class I ponder about a rumour that's started to spread like wildfire. Something happened this morning with another Heartslabyul student and the racoon-cat from yesterday and apparently they burnt the Queen of Hearts statute. I think this is the place where alchemy class is held. Walking into a classroom I see one other student in the room, Man their pretty short with long hair and a feminine looking face. Wait a second... IS THAT A GIRL!? Oh shit a girl what the fuck do I do. I wanna make a friend and she's the only one here, maybe I should talk to her. What the hell. I thought that NRC was an all boys school. Wait, I think I might've heard something about a girl in the older years so maybe the school's are trying to be more diverse? Oh shit she's walking towards me.

"Hi there, I'm Precious! Nice to meet'cha" Oh shit she's actually talking to me. Oh god, what do I say?? I have to respond or I'll seem weird.

"H- Hi? I'm Deuce Spade" Fuck did I just stutter. She's looking at me weird, WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO.

"Haha, you're funny, let's be friends!" Oh shit that was fast, who knew it was that easy to make friends

AN: no it's not. It's just her

"Oh yes, of course, sure, we'll be friends" I say with a little more confidence than before. I have a friend now, mom! 

"You should sit beside me then, new friend!" Precious says with excessive enthusiasm. Wait, is her tail wagging?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10 ⏰

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