Be a part of the team

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Hello readers and writers!

We are extending the invite for you to join our Talent Hunt project and be a part of this initiative where we provide a platform for the emerging talents.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

If you have a keen interest in finding new stories to read, or have a knack for reviewing and judging the stories for their betterment, these two posts within the community would likely hold your interest:


➥ Some works are out there that fail to get much exposure and attention, they remain hidden within the thousands of stories somewhere in tags, and that's how many stories remain untold. To recognize these hidden gems and put spotlight on the lesser known writers and works, we are here introducing these two roles in Esthetíque community by which you, the team members, will be scouting out the stories and bring them to light.

A story scouter is someone who will be working with the team to scout stories via tags. Some tropes or hashtags will be given during the scouting period, or the scouters can choose for themselves, and find books that they think deserve more exposure.

There will be a short mock period of performance before someone is finalized into the team.


➥ Just like the story scouters group, who are tasked to search through different tags on wattpad and find underrated, undiscovered gems, the story markers skim through the scouted stories and make sure the story is enriched in qualities, readability, and other related points.

A story will be getting spotlight feature after passing through Story markers' keen eyes.

If you're a judge, a reviewer, an editor, or anyone with sharp eye to spot technical, plotline, descriptive, etc mistakes in a book, we encourage you to join our team for this position.

Feel free to ask questions here 🥂

Feel free to ask questions here 🥂

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• Discord is a necessary step, the members who are willing to join the team are requested to create a Discord profile, since our core team operations happen from there only.

• Is enthusiastic to contribute towards the writers community.

If any of the posts, or even both, calls out to you, consider filling the form in our hiring book. The link has been provided in the comment section:

One can also drop a form in this chapter's comment section following the format given here:

• Username:
• Post applying for:
• Why do you want to join us?

Fill the form here 🥂

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