a story where...
AMELIE, a british modest cowgirl that loves her little hometown sees her plans go down the drain when she decides to help this singer called Olivia Rodrigo. Little did she knew she was going to find New York quite comfortable, after promising she would never step a foot outside her hometown.
WHERE Olivia Rodrigo gets in a stranger's car to run away from the claws of her toxic boyfriend. What she wasn't expecting was to fall over heels for this cowgirl...or to learn how to get milk from the old way or to even learn how to ride a horse.
Diana Silver as
Amelie Black Wood
21y, lesbian"You got me red white and blue. Pledging my allegiance to you."
Olivia Rodrigo as herself
20y, closeted bisexual
Olivia Rodrigo♡American Jesus
FanfictionA cowgirl and a Popstar what could go wrong? Little did they know that they would ended up head over heels for each other. _____________ "You got me red white and blue. Pledging my allegiance to you." -Amelie ♡ "She laughs at all my jokes and she s...