Chapter 54

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Marian didn't give herself time to reconsider her decision.

After her conversation with Natty, she headed straight down to the Undercroft and used the remaining time before their departure to go over the research Sebastian and Poppy had put together.

They had collected all the duel schedules they had found in the stacks and had begun to work out a pattern. The results they had so far were sparse, and after two hours Marian had to resign herself to the fact that she and Natty were probably walking blindfolded into disaster.

Still, they quickly had agreed not to tell the others.

Sebastian would just throw another tantrum about how dangerous their whole mission was. More, he would insist on coming with them and Marian had a feeling that in his current state of mind that wasn't the best idea.

Poppy was a similar case. Although she wasn't as opposed to their plan as Sebastian was, they still expected her to demand to tag along.

Neither of them had said it, but both she and Natty seemed to be at one with going alone. Their whole plan was too rushed and chaotic to involve any of the others.

And still... Marian leaned back in her seat and stared up at the cob-webbed and dusty ceiling of the Undercroft.


She had considered telling him about their plan.

He was far more level – headed; he wouldn't immediately rage at them for pursuing such a harebrained mission, walking into the very den of the enemy unprepared and basically unarmed.

Telling Ominis what they were about to do would be the wise choice.

That way, someone would at least know where to look for them, should they not return.

But something kept her from seeking out her friend to let him in on their plan.

Marian's thoughts became tangled as she stared up at the ceiling of the Undercroft, the soft flicker of torchlight casting shadows that mirrored her inner strife.

She knew she should tell Ominis about the plan. It was the sensible thing to do - he was logical, calm under pressure, and could offer advice they might desperately need. But something held her back.

Perhaps it was the notion that deep down she knew his reaction wouldn't much different from Sebastian's. He would try to stop them, stop her, from getting herself into danger.

He wouldn't simply offer his help and ask her to be careful. He wouldn't just stand by and let her follow along with whatever scheme she pursued.


He wasn't that person anymore. Too much had happened between them.

She thought about all the discussions they'd had about the current course of events, the tension that had lingered between them, the unspoken words that had tightened the air like a taut bowstring.

They were navigating something new, something neither of them had named yet. And telling him about the plan felt like crossing another line, one that might complicate things even more.

Marian bit her lip, frowning at the documents in her hands, not really reading the words Poppy and Sebastian had written on them.

Was it fair to keep this from him?

Her stomach twisted with guilt. Ominis had always been there for her, a steady presence through all the chaos of their fifth year and beyond.

He was important to her.

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