Clock's List: Back To The Listing

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"I really enjoy hanging out with you guys! You guys are so much fun!" said Digital

Digital had been doing very well at integrating himself with all the others, but when he heard Clock had came back, he decided to hide himself behind Team Sun's house, and talk to his new best friends No Way and Polka-Dot!

"Yeah, that's very interesting Digital, yeah..." said No Way

As you can tell, they weren't very interested in talking to him.

"Listen, uh, Digital. We have to go now so we can get more people from our teams..." said Polka-Dot

Digital was confused. "But wait! Don't you already have everyone from your team?"

Polka-Dot had nothing to say, and she just ran off. Digital was going to ask No Way what that was all  about, but they were already gone.

Nobody wants to talk to Digital.

Well, except one person...

"Look at how mean they are! I don't think they want to be your friends... how about you let me be in control for a change?" said Ricardo

"No! No! You will just cause more trouble again! And you'll ruin everything!" said Digital

"Okay... but when these pathetic creatures leave you behind, we'll see what you really want." said Ricardo

Everyone had gathered around to see who the team leaders would recommend who should be brought next. Vase was the first one to get a chance to speak, she wanted Unstapy and then Doodle Board. Words With Friends Tile wanted Snapped Skateboard and Xiru as he saw them as both being potentially cool kids, and then Pretzel.

No Way already had Xiru coming, and Polka-Dot and The Sun already had all the members of their team, which meant that only Refill Station could recommend.

Clock already saw that the only people left to be transfor- I mean brought into this world are all of Team Refill except Fuel Pump, and Projector, Flossy and Clown Horn.

They wrote down the list as follows:

1. Unstapy

2. Xiru

3. Doodle Board

4. Stencil

5. Snapped Skateboard

6. Pretzel

7. Flossy

8. Projector (To get this done with, possibly do 6 and 7 together?)

9. Clown Horn

10. Monocle

11. Hourglass

12. Wax Burner

13. Power Bank (Last one, what a loser!!!)

Clock finished writing down his list, and then said something to all the objects before he teleported away to transfor- oh sorry uh I mean CREATE more objects.

"No dying until I get back, guys!" said Clock

This came to No Way as odd, Clock can't just ban dying, ever since The Sun accidentally destroyed the old recovery center by accidentally touching it, everyone has been relying on Clock to come back and recover people! "Clock is such a silly guy, right Polka-Dot?"


Polka-Dot had left immediately after Clock had, and not just in the sense of walking away like everyone else.

No, no, no. She had found a few other worlds from her portals populated by objects just like her friends. If that machine she and the others saw meant anything, they were definitely out to capture other objects? They were lucky they managed to beat them, but the others may not be!

So she decided that she was going to go and warn others about the incoming danger! Those weirdos in that place with the red and blue bushes were mean to her,  uh they don't deserve to be enslaved! She found a red dot, and went inside, and sure enough she could see the same place where they stole the microwave from.

She had to warn them, no matter if they killed her or not.

Wow! Polka-Dot adventures! I wonder who she will meet. Anyways, see you all next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07 ⏰

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