Startings Of School

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The sudden, brisk knock on the door snaps Harper out of her contemplative silence. She straightens, the composure she's known for quickly settling back into place, and opens the door to find a young woman standing there with a pair of heavy bags. The newcomer's eyes are bright with both exhaustion and anticipation, suggesting a journey that has been both arduous and filled with promise.

"Hello, is anyone here yet?" the woman inquires, her voice carrying the weariness of a long trek.

Allda, who had been meticulously arranging a stack of papers on a nearby table, approaches with a warm and assured smile. "Why yes!" she responds with a friendly nod. "I'm Allda Baker. Can I help you with your bags?"

The newcomer, her posture relaxing at the offer, responds with a grateful smile. "Thank you so much. I'm Sydney White, but please, call me Syd. And you are?"

"Oh, I'm Harper Lauwkweed," Harper says, stepping forward with a confident and genuine smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Syd."

"Nice to meet you too," Syd replies, her tone reflecting a sigh of relief. "I've had a marathon of a trip—almost eight hours on the road."

From outside, a voice chimes in with a hint of incredulity. "Well, that's a drive and a half! Why didn't you just choose another prep school?"

Syd chuckles lightly, shaking her head. "My mother went here, so I guess it's a bit of a family tradition. Also, call me Syd—Sydney feels far too formal for my taste."

"Alright, Syd," Allda agrees with a nod, understanding perfectly.

Once outside, Harper strides along the gravel path, her mind racing with the weight of the day's events. Each step is deliberate as she takes in the calm surroundings, preparing herself for the final farewell with her "Mother." The path offers a brief sanctuary from the day's chaos, and as she approaches, she sees her "Mother" engaged in a lighthearted exchange with Mrs. Baker. The scene is both comforting and unsettling, a mix of familiarity and new beginnings.

"Mother, I've come to say goodbye," Harper announces with a blend of resolve and tenderness.

"Oh, is it that time already?" her "Mother" replies, her voice a mixture of surprise and reluctant acceptance.

"Yes, it is," Harper confirms, her tone resolute despite the slight tremor in her voice. She forces a smile, masking the anxiety that threatens to surface.

"What if we can't do it? What if we fail? What if everything falls apart?" Harper's concerns surface, her gaze steady but filled with worry.

"You mustn't let doubts cloud your mind," Myra responds with a firm, reassuring tone. "Stick to the plan we've meticulously crafted over the past three months, and you'll do just fine. Remember, you're more than capable of handling whatever comes your way. If things get tough, think of home—it's a place of strength. Now, that's all the wisdom I have for today. I'll see you in a year, my dear."

The parting is marked by a series of heartfelt affirmations, each more endearing than the last. "I love you," Harper says softly, her eyes reflecting the depth of her emotions.

"I love you more," Myra responds, her voice laden with emotion.

"I love you 1000," Harper continues, her voice trembling slightly.

"I love you 3000. Goodbye," Myra concludes, her voice cracking with the weight of their farewell.

"Now pucker up, darling," Myra says with a final, affectionate tone.

As Myra's sleek car begins to pull away, Harper watches as it glides down the hill, her gaze unwavering until it's out of sight. The finality of the moment settles in, and the familiar anxiety tightens in her chest.

With a deep breath, Harper turns and begins the walk back to her dormitory. Her steps are purposeful, yet the weight of the day's events is evident. She mutters to herself as she crosses the lot, her mind focused on the practicalities ahead. "Clothes, books, school supplies, food, other accessories," she repeats, using the mundane tasks as a grounding mechanism against her swirling thoughts.

Without warning, a car screeches to a halt right in front of her, its sudden appearance startling her. Harper instinctively ducks, narrowly avoiding what could have been a serious accident. The car halts abruptly, just inches from where she had been standing. Heart pounding, she turns sharply, her frustration palpable. She doesn't wait for the driver's apologies or explanations; instead, she storms toward the dormitory, her anger and anxiety merging into a storm of emotions.

Entering her dorm room, Harper takes a moment to survey her new home for the next year. The space, though filled with her belongings, feels both foreign and daunting. She starts unpacking with a methodical precision, carefully placing her clothes in the wardrobe and arranging her books on the shelves. The room begins to take shape, but the thought of failure lingers, making her feel hollow.

Her stomach growls, a stark reminder of how famished she is after the day's events. She finishes unpacking with a sense of urgency, her mind already drifting to the prospect of dinner. The simple comfort of a meal promises a brief respite from the whirlwind of emotions she's been navigating.

With everything in its place and no immediate plans for the evening, Harper stands back and takes a deep breath. She steels herself for the challenges ahead, ready to face whatever comes with the same bravery and cleverness she's always relied on. As well of course with Allda them working together is crucial to the plan that cannot fail.

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