Chapter 6

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Harper darted behind one of the tall concrete walls, her heart pounding in her chest as she sought cover. The adrenaline was coursing through her veins, making every sound and movement around her seem amplified.

"Do you think anyone saw us?" Harper asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Doubt it," Paxton replied, scanning the area with sharp eyes. "They're pretty preoccupied."

"Okay," she said, exhaling a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. She cautiously peeked her head around the corner, just in time to see a loud crash echo across the field. Her eyes widened as she watched three of the five defenders break off and sprint towards the noise.

"We need help!" one of the retreating defenders shouted, prompting the remaining two to chase after them. Now, only one defender stood between Harper and the flag.

"Do you want to grab the flag, or do you want to distract the last one for me?" Harper asked, her voice urgent, eyes locked on the prize.

"I'll distract," Paxton said, his tone filled with confidence. "You run and grab the flag. I know we can do this."

"Alright, on my signal," Harper instructed, her mind racing as she strategized their next move.

She took a deep breath, feeling the tension in the air. "Go!" she yelled, and Paxton immediately leaped out from behind the wall, firing at the last defender. Harper knew she had only moments, so she bolted from her cover, weaving through shadows and dodging obstacles with practiced precision.

The flag was in sight, just a few strides away. Harper reached out and snatched the green fabric, her heart pounding in her ears. But she knew this was only half the battle. Without hesitation, she tucked the flag into her side pocket and readied her gun. She caught a glimpse of two defenders out of the corner of her eye, their expressions of shock telling her they had realized their flag was missing. She had seconds before they would be on her.

Digging deep, Harper summoned one final burst of speed, sprinting towards her base zone. As she crossed into the safe zone, she slowed to a triumphant jog, a wide grin spreading across her face as she shouted, "I've got it, we've won!"

Her team erupted in cheers, rushing over to congratulate her and each other on their hard-earned victory. Amid the chaos, Paxton approached, a sly smile on his face.

"Good job, Harper. You were like a blaze of fire out there," Paxton said, his voice carrying a warmth that wasn't there before.

"Thanks," Harper replied, beaming with pride. "You did an amazing job at distracting them."

"I try," Paxton said, his tone almost playful, but Harper was too caught up in the moment to notice the subtle change.

"Oi, enough celebrating everyone, time for your next class!" came a shout from one of the instructors, breaking up the group.

As they dispersed, Paxton lingered for just a moment, watching Harper with an amused expression before he turned to follow the others. Harper, oblivious, was already replaying the victory in her head, her mind on the next challenge rather than the one she had just completed.


Next on the schedule was Weapons Training, a class that Harper had been dreading since her arrival. Despite her extensive and rigorous background at her previous school, this was the one class she hadn't had the chance to prepare for. The course had been discontinued for two years following the mysterious death of the former instructor. Now, with no one keen to take up the position, Harper knew she was stepping into the unknown.

Arriving on time was a small victory in itself. Harper was punctual, which was a new accomplishment for her. The classroom was a mix of familiar faces from the previous period and some new ones, creating a blend of nervous energy and anticipation.

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