| • gravity falls • |

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Mabel | when we first saw the portal, dipper and grunkle ford freaked out. grunkle stan didnt really care as long as, and i quote, "it doesnt stop me from scamming people and watching tv." i thought it was pretty cool and looked at it sometimes whenever dipper and grunkle ford weren't obsessing over it.

Dipper | a portal. in the middle of the woods! that is wild! me and grunkle ford are inspecting it almost all day every day! he says he thinks its to another universe, and he might resort to bill..eugh. for now, we have kept it hidden, with exceptions for wendy, soos, and mcgucket. i think mabel wants to go in it.

Stan | a strange portal. who cares? weird stuff happens here all the time. my brother keeps talking about some universe junk. i couldn't care less about it. ill only care if it gets in the way of my business. but being fully honest, i dont want the public to know about it.

Ford | a multi-dimensional portal. this is awesome! also a perfect opportunity to teach dipper... he seems to enjoy this as much as me. my brother doesnt seem to care though, which is honestly good. we are keeping this private from just about everyone. Theres a bunch of symbols on it. like a oddly shaped skull, an owl, a round-head shaped rock next to a bell, an elf-type figure? a diamond shaped gem, a van..? weird. a wand with a star on it, and some kind of umbrella. they are in groups of two, so im assuming each pair is related.

Wendy | dipper was telling me about some portal him and ford found in the woods. he seemed pretty excited over it. sometimes he would randomly come up to me and talk about it. it does sound pretty cool, though. ill have to check it out.

Soos | a portal seems pretty cool. i dont get why anyone is amazed by it though. huhu

McGucket | a portie thingamabober! mr. ford was talking me all about iet. he was saying he wanted me to go with him, i dont know if i will or not. i just got my memories back last year, after all

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