Oh, but it's gone again

68 7 0

Age 22

The beeping of the machine continues as Pete stares at the limp body in front of him. "Khun Vegas has gone into a coma." These words keep repeating in his mind deafening any other noise from the world. His eyes seem fixed on his lover's face as he trails his eyes down to the gunshot. It is only now that everything is settling into his mind. Him resigning, him choosing Vegas and now almost losing him once again.

"Please wake up Vegas, your pet is hungry," mumbling the exact same words he said by the pool in hopes his Wegath would hear him just one more time and maybe hold him again. The silence of the room is broken by the loud bang of the door as the youngest son of the minor family enters the room in a frenzy in hopes to see his brother.

Macau's eyes travel across Vegas's resting body and upon seeing another hand holding onto his hia, his eyes trail up to Pete, his heavy breaths clearly heard in the stillness of the room. On meeting Pete's eyes, the emotions of worry get replaced by anger as he screams, "What the fuck is a dog like you still here next to hia? Tell the main family that we don't need their leftovers! I am here so u can fuck off." Macau, a teenager in his last year of school is a Theerapanyakun and like any other Theerapanyakun, he always has his walls too high.

Pete wonders what he can say to the teenager, he cannot claim to be Vegas' lover when he still needs to hear those words from Vegas' mouth. Hell, he doesn't even know if Vegas was ready to introduce his only loved family to Pete. After thinking for a while he replies, "I love Vegas, khun Macau. This means I will also take care of you, not just because you are his brother but because I want to do so too."

"Just because hia is in a co- *stops* resting for now, it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to do. And let me burst your bubble, hia doesn't do love. You are nothing but a pawn in his game. It was always me and hia, and it will forever remain like that. He doesn't need you so just fucking leave us alone."

"I will not be going anywhere unless Vegas himself asks me to do so."

The conversation ended there as they both stayed silent for the rest of the day each praying for Vegas to wake up soon.


It has been two weeks since the coup ended. Vegas looks like he has resolved to peace which is internally killing both Pete and Macau. Macau is slowly lowering his guard, just a bit, for Pete. Ever since he learnt that Pete resigned to choose to be with Vegas, something in him started believing Pete. Nobody has ever chosen the minor family; not even his own father. They all want power and fame which the main family has. He expected Pete to leave any second over the past two weeks, but he stayed.

Pete's internal battles seem to grow stronger each passing minute. He has placed his everything on Vegas, if Vegas goes away for good, he knows he will cease to exist without him. The time is going so fast yet so slow as every second seems haunting without Vegas. If anything is keeping him in check, it is the fact that he also must take care of Macau.

Pete is sitting and staring at his lover as usual when Nop, the security head guard of the minor family, walks in saying somebody wishes to speak to him. Upon enquiring who, he is answered it is a young woman with a baby in her arms. Confused, Pete leaves Vegas' side unwillingly to speak to this woman.

13th June 2022... the day Pete became a father, a father to Vegas' youngest step-brother.
"I promise you to raise him well, I promise to be a good guidance to both, promise me you will wake up soon my love... I'm scared without you," he says sobbing into Vegas' chest. His silence scared him even more.

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