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The rain pelted the windshield making it nearly impossible to see anytihng but the lights from the oncoming traffic. Mom was sobbing in the driver's seat.

"Why does he have to be so difficult?" she said.

"Who, Daddy?"

"Yes your daddy. Don't worry baby now that he's out of our lives for good, we can be happy." She smiled at me through her tears.

"But I don't want him out for good, he's my daddy" I say.

"Honey, I know he's your daddy, but he hasn't been a good dad has he?" I shake my head, she continues "I promise you that from now on our life will change we won't have to deal with your dad anymore... we can finally live life like we're supposed to...happily."

She turn back around and lets loose a bloodcurdling scream, and time slows down.

I see my mother's reflection in the window as the truck colides with us and my mom is hit. I see the car crumpling and I see blood but I don't feel anything. Time speeds back up and my mother looks at me and tells me.

"Honey, know that I love you and I want what's best for you even though I won't be here anymore, I want you to not give up. I know you love you daddy, but I don't want you to have anything to do with him." she pauses and takes a deep rattling breath."Baby, you are a strong, beautiful girl, remember that. I'll be watching you from heaven okay?"

"No!" I scream, you can't leave me alone! I need you."

"No you don't, I know you will be great, I love you Ella." she give a hacking cough and blood comes out of her mouth.


"I'll be there even when you can't see me. I love you Princess." she gives me one final tear-filled grin and the light goes out from her eyes.

"Mommy!!!" I cry. I unbuckle myself and crawl into the front seat and hold her until I see the flashing red and blue lights.

A cop comes to the window and sees me.

"The girl is still alive but the woman seems to be dead." says the officer. He opens the door and says "Come on kiddo, let's get you out of here."

"No!!! You have to get my mommy to a hospital!"

"Honey, your mommy's gonna sleep for a while okay? We need to get you safe."

"Is she gonna be okay? When can I see her again?"

"In a bit okay?"he says reassuringly.

I agree and another officer comes to take me out. He leads me into the back of a police cruiser and buckles me up.

"It's gonna be okay? We'll get you safe." he smiles down at me."How old are you dear?"

"I'm this old" I say, holding up 5 fingers.

He sighs and says something that sounds like "So young, and so brave."

We drive off and I take one last look at the wreck, I know my mommy is gonna be safe so I decide to close my eyes for a bit, I'm really tired.


Authors Note:

Katlyn: Hey guys! This is our first story and I really really hope you guys enjoy it.

Lottie: Yeah, I had a lot of fun writing this and if you like it, keep reading, there's plenty more where that came from.

Katlyn: Yeah, just wait until we get to the action parts.

Lottie: Wait, was that not action enough for you Katlyn?

Katlyn: I wasn't talking about that kind of action

Lottie: Katlyn!!!! Get your mind out of the gutter! This is a children's story!!!

Katlyn: No it's not.

Lottie: Yeah, I suppose it isn't. Okay, I think we've said enough.

Katlyn: Yeah, well I hope you guys enjoyed it and will continue reading.

Lottie: Does anyone even read the author's note? If they don't this could be really awkward.

Katlyn: Does this mean we've been talking to ourselves?

Lottie: Enough! Oh, and don't forget to vote, comment, and fan. Thank you very much and hopefully the next note won't be so long. Until we meet again.

Katlyn: May the force be with you.

Lottie: No... we will not be known as sci-fi nerds. Well, maybe you will >:) Okay, ENOUGH!!!

Both: Bye!!!


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