I Do (John Cena x Male Reader Imagine)

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This oneshot may have course language in it, so be advised, my lovely readers! This oneshot will also have some homophobia, so if you or someone you love experiences this, please know that you are amazing as you are and you are safe being who you are. I am here if you ever want to talk and I send you all my love and support for everything you do/want to do. Now, let's get to it! :)


I never thought I'd be getting married at all when I started dating and getting out there in the dating scene. Then again, no one expects a gay man to get married in my conservative Catholic family; they'd kicked me out at eighteen when I came out to them. However, I did manage to find love in a good childhood friend of mine, WWE superstar John Cena, and the rest of our relationship was glorious history marred with the occasional fight. Today was the day that I got to marry the love of my life even after he said he'd never get married after his ex-wife. But, dear reader, the problems were just beginning.

I sat in my suite at the venue John found in our hometown in Massachusetts getting my bowtie figured out when someone knocked on the door wanting to get in. That was odd, as I'd told no one from John's wedding party to come see me at risk of it being John himself. I stood up, made to hide in the closet (get your minds out of the gutters, people!), and heard outside, "M/N? It's your sister, Jamie. Can I please come in?"

I inched out of my hiding space, headed towards the door, and asked her, "Why do you need to come in if you side with Mom and Dad that I'm a freak?" My best man, superstar Roman Reigns, flanked me and I mouthed to him to text John and let him know what I was potentially dealing with. Roman nodded, went to get his phone, and started texting my man as fast as his fingers could type.

Jamie replied, "Mom and Dad want me to represent them at your wedding since they didn't want to come for...obvious reasons. And I wanted to apologize for how I treated you all those years. You're my brother first and foremost, and I want to be there for you." I sighed and thought about her words; she was right. Jamie and I used to be insanely close when we were kids, since I was a year older than she was. But after the...incident as my mother called it, she and I stopped talking. I'd be lying if I said I missed my little sister. Jamie asked again, "Can I please come in, M/N?"

Before I could say anything, a deep voice said, "Jamie, I think you're mom wants to see you." She didn't move and John said again, "Get out of here and go home since you and I both know your mother and father want to ruin mine and M/N's big day. You three already hurt him once, and I won't have you making him cry painful tears today."

Roman whispered in my ear, "John started moving the minute I told him your sister was here, M/N. I'd hide if I were you since he'll want to come in here and make sure you're actually alright."

I took his advice and hid in the bathroom, shutting the door just as the door to my suite was opening to reveal John. Roman and he started talking and I cracked the door open, saying to Roman, "Let him in, but only till the middle of the room. He can't see my outfit."

"You know me, M/N. You know I'll want to see you standing before me to make sure you're alright and not hurt," John countered and God help me, he was right. For John to know that Jamie or my parents hadn't gotten to me, he needed to physically see me. I slowly opened the bathroom door and let him see all of me, black wedding suit and all. And let me tell you, when John saw me, his eyes were the size of saucers and his mouth was open wide in an expression I'd only seem on him once before when we started dating. He held his hand out to me and said, "You look amazing, darling. Come, let me hold you."

I smiled, blushed despite myself, and exited the bathroom. I took his hand and he pulled me close to his broad chest, hugging me close and wanting me to know something that I don't think I could've figured out on my own. I wrapped my arms around his neck and told him, "I didn't want to have anything bad happen today, but I wonder if Jamie coming here to try and talk to me was a premonition of what to come."

John shook his head and said, "That's not a premonition of anything bad happening today, and you know how I know that?" I stared at him, shook my head, and he added, "I know that because she never got to talk to you and talk you out of this marriage like her parents probably wanted her to do for you. You're my home, M/N, and if you still want to go through with this, we will."

I kissed his nose, then his lips, and mumbled against them, "I do, John. I still want to marry you and I'll always love you no matter what." John smiled at me, kissed my lips again, and I knew that I'd be able to go through anything the world threw at me with the love of my life by my side.

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