Chapter 3

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Hao squints when he steps out of the dingy lecture hall building, holding an arm up to shield his eyes against the harsh sunlight. Transitioning from the industrialized coolness of the air conditioning to the naturally blistering heat has him spinning on his heel to retreat back inside. Guess he'll have to take the long way back to the dorms and risk bumping into someone who'd make his pounding headache even worse.

It seems he's not the only one trying to escape the heat, since the hallways are so crowded that every two steps someone knocks into his shoulder.

Only a few people stutter apologies when he glares at them.


"Hao!" a voice calls from behind him.

He pauses, glancing over his shoulder. It's Ricky, because who the fuck else would Hao stop for, and he's jogging toward him with his hand raised in a wave and a smile gracing his lips. The crowd practically parts for him like he's a god bathed in divine light.

Again, typical.

When he's finally caught up with Hao, he nudges his arm affectionately. "Heading back to the dorms? I'll come with you."

Hao only grunts and keeps walking.

"Class was that bad, huh?" Ricky laughs, light and pleasant, making those within hearing distance blush a bright red. Hao's head throbs. "Need pain medicine? I have some in my bag."


They stop again as Ricky shuffles through his bottomless pit of a bag, seemingly capable of holding nearly anything one desired. Seriously. That isn't even an exaggeration. One time he pulled out a whole pencil sharpener—an electric one that needed to be plugged into a socket and everything.

"I know it's in here," Ricky murmurs, practically sticking his head in the bag. Hao crosses his arms and glances boredly around them.

That's when he spots him.

A boy is standing at the end of the hallway, holding a pink box covered in hearts and an envelope perched on top. He's clearly headed their way, cheeks all rosey and a determined set in his eyebrows.

It's a sight more revolting than Gyuvin's face.

Snatching Ricky by the wrist, Hao darts around the corner despite the other's confused protests. He hears the hurried pattering of footsteps follow behind them, so he yanks open the nearest door and shoves the both of them inside, slamming it shut before turning around.

As luck may have it, the other side does not have the classroom he'd been hoping for, but instead a very tightly packed janitor's closet. Hao has to balance his hands on both sides of Ricky's head to keep a least a few centimeters of distance between them, their bodies pressing against each other in more places than either of them will ever be comfortable with.

"Uh, Hao? Why are we in here?" Ricky asks, slightly breathless from their hasty escape.

"Another one of your admirers was coming," Hao huffs back. And I didn't want to see you have to fake a smile again.

"Ah." Ricky's voice softens, "Thank you."

Hao rolls his eyes. "No problem. Do you feel a light switch anywhere?"

Ricky raises his hands, accidentally brushing against Hao's sides. He flinches.

"Sorry!" Ricky whispers, "I know you're ticklish there."

Hao scoffs. "I'm not ticklish."

"I have evidence to prove otherwise." Ricky pokes again, and Hao squeaks . Like a mouse. What the fuck.

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