The native people of Dargah'aya are wanaan, burga, Carmona and giant creatures who live in the land of burga. The first time refugees from the victims of the genocide carried out by the nether empire against the Palestinian people living in the crimson countryside. Someone created a new Kingdom in the vacant land given to the refugees, the first inhabitants of crimson. Some partially evacuated to other galaxies and 3 Dargah'aya lands that already have inhabitants (this is me).
In city Of Starasna, tapops.
The residents of the village must speak Hebrew. Mayoritas penduduk asli wanaan adalah Yahudi Tapops yg megang kitab Taurat yg berbeda dari Taurat di bumi. Kalau Yahudi di planet Dargah'aya orangnya gak keras kepala pun malah mereka menolong warga yg kesusahan. Yahudi tapops hidup Damai dan berdampingan dengan muslim, Kristen, hindu, buddha, Shinto, Konghucu dan folk. Kristen di Dargah'aya itu berbeda dari di bumi. Di Dargah'aya sesuai dengan Etnis dan bangsa mereka. Bangsa wanaan ada 15 suku yaitu.
1. The Hebrew Tapops tribe (The Hebrew Tapops tribe is purer and more pro with their country and other nations. This Hebrew Tapops tribe is of the Jewish religion or called tapops).
2. Vannyniee Tribe. This Vannyniee tribe is a tribe found in the Yourops region, bordering burga with wanaan forest.
3. The Philistine tribe is here. The Philistine tribe is the original tribe of the 15 tribes. This Philistine tribe is located in Jerusalena, the first inhabitants of crimson.
Dan akan dijelaskan di tengahnya dan epilog dari part ini.
"שלום! בוקר טוב לכולם! למרות שעדיין לא" הייתה מדינה או ממלכה. אנחנו עדיין חיים בלי הממשלה/המלוכה הזו. "Ucap salah satu penduduk yg tinggal di Starasna, tapops. Tersebut
"כן! מה שמך! אנחנו יכולים לדבר מלאית! יש את שבט וואנאן מלאי, כולל השבט הרביעי מתוך 15 שבטי וואנאן, הלא הוא אומת וואנאן. " ucap salah satu penduduk tapops yg berada di Starasna tersebut
"Oh ya kelupaan!. Nama aku Maya Mayumara" ucap maya Mayumara berkenalkan diri pada salah penduduk tapops dalam berbahasa Melayu Wanaan.
"Nama aku Pula! Aku Lanoma Ubaidah, aku bersuku Ibrani tapops. Aku tetap bangsa wanaan yg sesungguhnya." Ucap Lanoma Ubaidah (ini tentang nenek moyangnya dari keluarga Ubaidah dalam di au aku.)Ini gambar bukan punya gue. Anggap saja itu lamona Ubaidah dan maya Mayumara. Kisah cinta mereka bakal dimulai.
"Itu ada apa!!!! " ucap semua penduduk tapops panik melihat ada pendatang yg penuh terluka parah akibat genosida parah di nether empire.(ini sebelum glutom berkuasa. Ada nenek moyangnya dari glutom sang bangsawan nether yg berdiplomasi dan suka menjajah bangsa lainnya yg berada di nether yg merupakan ras manusia dan alien yg mirip manusia digenosidakan oleh nether empire.
" We are from the Gloverfoid region occupied by the nether empire. They have killed thousands of Palestinian lives. They hate humans and aliens who resemble humans. We are Christians, Muslims, and Jews."ucap warga Gloverfoid yg selamat dari pembantaian di Gloverfoid. " They changed our city from occupied Gloverfoid to flavescens. They don't control all of the Gloverfoid region. We still have Gloverfoid territory to the west and north."ucap semua warga Gloverfoid beretnis Filistin, netherite, netheren, Numano(bangsa asli penduduk Filistin yg diduduki oleh nether empire). Yg parahnya yg jadi pengkhianat bangsa Filistin adalah bangsa netherfoid yg menjadi pasukan nether empire untuk menumpas dan menghapuskan bangsa nether yg merupakan seorang manusia dan alien.
" What!!!! The king of the nether empire is really crazy."ucap lamona Ubaidah marah saat mengetahui bahwa nether empire melakukan pelanggaran HAM pada penduduk Filistin. " So did you once have a kingdom called Yudea located in the city of Gloverfoid before it was occupied by the nether empire."ucap lamona Ubaidah lanjut
" Yes!!! THE NETHER EMPIRE NATION IS JUST A SQUATTER. THEY ORIGINALLY FROM THE PLANET ZUPANIA WHICH IS A LONG-EXTINCT INHABITED PLANET. BECAUSE THEIR INHABITANTS ARE EVIL AND INVADERS OF OTHER PLANETS (INCLUDING THE FORESTA NETHER PLANET) WORSE, THE NETHERFOID NATION BECAME A TRAITOR TO EXTERMINATE THE CITIZENS OF FILISTIN! Want to know the Nether Empire nation now is the nation from the planet ZUPANIA because from its face it looks like the ZUPANIA nation. The ZUPANIA nation has already married with other nations who want to work with it. I hope another 1 billion of the fighters of Palestine who will liberate their kingdom. That is a nobleman similar to you. "Ucap semua warga Gloverfoid pada lamona Ubaidah
" Alright. We are the tapops nation which consists of the wanaan nation from Hebrew tapops, Malay tapops, and Minang tapops."ucap semua warga tapops yg tinggal di kota starusna.
" Thank you!!!!. You are good people!!!."ucap warga Gloverfoid pada mereka.
"Ya" ucap lamona Ubaidah.
Perkenalkan karakter!.1. Lamona Ubaidah(he is boy!)
Real name:lamona Ubaidah
Call name:mona, lamo, Ubaidah dan lamona.
Magic:teleport (bangsa wanaan itu ada sihirnya. Wajar saja orang bangsa wanaan bangsa pilihan allah(bercanda guys jgn anggap serious. Ini au aku) bangsa wanaan itu ada 70% warga tapops menggunakan sihirnya, 30% warga tapops tidak menggunakan sihir.)
Suku:Ibrani tapops
Agama:Yahudi wanaan
2. Maya Mayumara
Real name:Maya Mayumara
Call name:Maya, mayu, and mara
Ras:human/Netherkin(his human from his father and his netherkin from his mothers)
Agama:Yahudi wanaan
Kekuatan:nether star(from his mothers. His mothers from nether empire. His mother told him stay away from nether empire)
Penduduk asli dari Gloverfoid yg wilayah nya telah diduduki oleh nether empire. Mereka harus menunggu 1 miliar kemudian ada lahirnya pejuang Filistin. Sebelum itu 900 juta tahun kemudian bakal lahirnya pejuang Filistin untuk membawa kemerdekaan untuk rakyat Filistin untuk merebut kembali tanah airnya telah dijajah oleh nether empire. Dari kota Gloverfoid selatan, Gloverfoid timur, Slovia, netherite, and all wilayah Filistin yg diduduki bakal direbut kembali.
Bersambung. . . .
Tentang warga tapops udah. Nanti bakal giliran penduduk wanaan, Carmona atau burga. Kalau burga kurang yakin. Karna bangsa burga kan bermusuhan dgn warga tapops.
history of Dargah'aya
Historical Fictionthis photo not belongs to me. this history not real ya. this history is my story au.