A drunken call: 3

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"K-kya?" He asked in disbelief.

Standing on her tip toes, she pulled him closer, her grip firm and unwavering on his shirt. Her eyes were intense and determined as they bore into his. "I love you, Mr. Omkara Singh Oberoi!" she declared, her voice firm and authoritative. The air around them shifted at her sudden declaration.

Omkara was too stunned to speak. Earlier, he thought she was saying all that just because she was drunk, but now as he gazed into the depth of her eyes, he could see the passion and sincerity in them and it hit him like a wave. Her unwavering gaze and the intensity for her declaration left no room for doubt. It was then that he realized she wasn't joking; every word she spoke was genuine, and it left him reeling, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Love? You mean r-romantic love?" he still asked wanting to make sure, his heart refusing to believe his ears.

"Obviously, you idiot!" She said getting annoyed at his stupidity.

As the seconds passed, it was only getting harder for Omkara. First, the sudden proximity between them and then her sudden love declaration. It was too much for poor Omkara to handle all at once. Their intimacy was all his brain could think about, he could feel her breath on his neck and the smell of her hair hit his nostrils strongly. Judging by the strong smell, he guessed that she had shampooed her hair the previous day. Even her eyes were challenging his to look even deeper into them as if that were even possible.

Knowing that he could not hold himself much longer if this was to go on, he took a step back and gently removed her hold on him, "You should change, Gauri. You'll catch a cold otherwise."

Before she could do or say anything else, he left the bedroom and closed the door behind him. He stumbled towards the kitchen, his heart still pounding wildly, his eyes darted frantically around the room until they fell on the water jug on the counter. With trembling hands, he grabbed it and tilted it towards his parched lips and gulped it all down in one go. The jug clattered onto the kitchen slab as he let it go, his grip weak on its handle. He fell on to his knees, his entire body vibrating with the intensity of his disbelief. His hands flew to his mouth, desperately trying to muffle the gasp that threatened to erupt from his throat. His eyes widened, staring at nothing and everything all at once as he tried to reel from the shock she had just given him.

"She....loves...me?!" He whispered to himself, refusing to accept that whatever happened was real. "Gauri loves me? ME? LOVE?"

He got up from the ground and started pacing back and forth, repeating the sentences as if he was chanting some mantra.

"Gauri loves me..." He finally said in acceptance. A small, excited smile tugged at his lips as he thought about her confession. The memory of her words sparked a warm, feeling within him, making him grin with a mix of surprise and happiness.

"But she's drunk and not in her senses. What if she was just blabbering?" one part of him argued.

"But her eyes showed how sincere she was," he countered.

"She's drunk and clearly not in her right mind," the other part insisted.

"But she confessed!!!!" he shouted to himself, unable to contain his excitement. He started to do a little happy dance around the kitchen. "She loves meeee!!!!! Oh my god, Gauri loves me!!!!"

To say he was on cloud nine would be an understatement; it was as if he had soared beyond the stars, floating in pure bliss at her unexpected and heartfelt declaration.

Hearing the bedroom door open, he immediately stopped dancing and put on his serious face. Slowly, he turned around and saw that she had changed into the pair of clothes that he had given her. And then a sudden thought occurred to him, Gauri was wearing his clothes. His.

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