The spawning, and the offer

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Dedicated to a friend who helped write this chapter!

Location: Hell

POV: Percy

I sat up, groaning. The first thing I see is that the sky is red. Also, there's a giant fucking pentagram it the middle of it. Wait, I don't cuss. Rick said no cussing. Oh, fuck it. I'm fucking dead. Nobody is gonna give a fuck. Also, this is a different universe. So whatever.

I asses my surroundings. It looks like I'm in the ruins of the Coliseum, but with a floor. I see a mirror out of the corner of my eye. Slowly, I walk over to it, as I've noticed that I am solid, and not a ghost like in the underworld. What I see makes me gasp.

Instead of eyes, I have pits of Greek fire that I can control if I try a little. My skin is celestial bronze, and it looks like I have a broken collar on my neck, It looks like a shattered chain attachment. My hair is made of obsidian, with flecks of gold. 

My eyes slowly trail down to my torso, where I realize that I'm wearing nothing, but I feel the armor I was wearing as I died. The celestial bronze skin stayed the same, except for where Gaea ran me through. That was bone white ivory. So was every scar I has acquired through my life of fighting, but the death wound had designs on it. (Look up elaphant ivory and use a random horn.) Suddenly, I had an idea. I thought about putting on my armor, went through the entire process, and when I finished, my armor was suddenly on me. Well, a set of armor was on me, I revised as I looked it over.

Instead of my normal bronze with sea green highlights classic spartan foot solider armor, I now had a mix of Persian and Greek armor in all black. It kind of looked like what Nico wore for armor, but was made of furs and metal and no bones a metal. (The conquest battle armor from ACO in black and white)

Alright, onto the next thing. Shelter and a permanent home. I prepared to go, only to find that I didn't have to. I was in a dam coliseum for crying out loud. I was also a Roman. I could just live here. Suddenly, I heard someone behind me. Whipping around, I saw a large group of shark demons, like mabye 45-50 My gut told me to do something, so I let it take over.

I strutted up to the Sharks, acting like I had no worries whatsoever. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

The lead shark shuffled nervously, although this one kind of looked like a shark imp hybrid. "We, uh, felt a really strong pull to come here, like a big fishhook, tugging us towards this dump, ya know? Felt like a new Shark demon, but much stronger. So we uh, held a council, and decided to offer our services to ya." Said the hybrid, voice  growing stronger with every word. 

Inside, I was thrilled, but my gut told me to wait and bait before excepting  offer. "Mm hm, and is this all of you?" I asked, because if this was an entire race, they were very small. 

Shar-imp, as I had decided to call him, shook his head. "No sir, the rest are outside. About 600 of us in all." He stated proudly. "All of them agreed to serve you. With a few conditions, of course." He said the last part, looking a bit nervous.

Wow, 600. That is quite a few, and with just a few conditions. Still, I let my gut lead. "Well, are any of you willing to...sell your soul?"  As I said the last part, I felt my armor glow black, and my eyes light much brighter. I also think my ivory scar started glowing, but I can't be sure. 

Shar-imp nodded. "Yea, all the adults are. The kids want to wait until they can drink, but after that, they think it's fine. I was picked to sign for them, cause it would be a pain to make 600 contracts."

Well, this is almost to easy. "And there are no conditions?" I asked, slightly incredulous and suspicious. This is just falling into my lap.

Shar-imp shuffled, looking down. Ah, so there is a catch. Figures. It sounded way too good to be true.  "Well, we were hoping for a second in command, and for you not to abuse us. In any way."

I nodded. Those were, after all, some very reasonable demands. And I already knew who I would appoint as second in command. "Alright, then we have a deal, Mr...." I trailed off as,I realized that I had never gotten his name.

"Striker, sir. It's Striker." Said Striker, a look of relief flashing across his face. Guess he didn't expect me to except his offer.

I held out my hand to shake. Striker shook it. As he did, bands of glowing green fire wrapped around the hand of every Shark, turning into a glowing glove of flames. Striker, however, was fully enveloped in flames for a full 5 seconds, before they turned into pitch black armor with blood red highlights. (ACO Spartan war hero set in black) 

Suddenly, all the Sharks neeled and said in unison, " LONG LIVE THE SHARK KING."

I grinned. "Shark king, eh? I think I like that. I think I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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