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Location: CHB


Powerful beings talking

Percy's pov

Death. That's all I see. Everyone I care about dropping dead. This has to stop. I lock eyes with the..... I don't know, primal being? That started all this. A deep rumble comes from her chest. I guess even ancient evils laugh. "Well Perseus, like what you see?" That was the final straw. Screaming, I charged at Gaea.

My mind went on auto pilot. Slash. Stab. Duck. Slide. Stab. I had to admit, for a crazy powerful old grandma lady, she was a really bad swordsman. Suddenly, as I was in the middle of the disarming maneuver, Gaea snapped her fingers. Immediately, all the people who I through had died came back to life. The Seven. Nico. Reyna. Thalia. Will. Clarisse. Chris. The Stolls. I was so shocked I didn't see Gaea run me through.

"FINALLY. I THOUGHT YOU WOULD NEVER DIE!" She screamed, laughing victoriously. The Seven were running towards me, all screaming to hold on, that I would be fine. But I knew I wouldn't be. So at that moment, I felt one thing and one thing only. WRATH. Spinning around, I shoved my fist inside her chest and ripped out her heart. For a moment, everything seemed to stop. The birds stoped chirping, the trees stopped swaying. All was silent.

Then is sped up again. Gaea crumpled like paper, and I suddenly felt like laying down for a nap. I could vaguely hear the Seven running up to me, getting carried away on a stretcher. But, right before I died, I remember with extreme clarity. Suddenly, my Wise girl was next to me. "NO, NO, NO. YOU CANT DIE. CAMP NEEDS YOU, we need you. I-i need you. Please, Seaweed brain, just hold on, the Apollo cabin, heck Apollo himself is coming. Just hold on."

I sighed. "Annabeth, you know there's no fixing this. Just do me a favor, move on. Don't dwell on it forever. And remember, I will always love you." With the last dregs of my strength, I told everyone on the battlefield, "gia ton Ólympo, mia teleftaía forá". To my side, I heard someone mutter the translation. "For Olympus, one last time."

And then I closed my eyes.

Third person POV:

He's gone. Was all anyone could think. It was truly earth shattering, but the demigods were so full of rage that any remaining monsters died rather quickly.

Chiron walked up to the body of his best student. He would mourn in privacy. For now, the campers need a leader. "Take the fallen to the pavilions. We do their shrouds at dusk." To his surprise, the only fallen demigod was Percy. A large group of Romans walked up to his body and hoisted him up on their shields. Leo mounted Festus silently, in no mood to joke. He flew in circles around them, Jason at his side. The hunters and Amazons surrounded the shields, guarding them against the stray monsters.

Hannibal the war elephant and Frank the war elephant trained behind, as subdued as broken horses. Back at camp, Athena's and Aphrodite's kids where working with Hazel to make the best shroud ever woven, with Annabeth at the helm, through tears, she wrote down the blueprints, and then handed them off to her cabin mates.

At the burning, a fight nearly broke out over who held the torch in the end, the gods made a giant torch so that everyone who knew him could hold it.

Clarissie wouldn't leave the arena for a week. She just brutally hacked at every dummy she saw. She only left after coxing form her boyfriend, and even then she still spent most of her time there.

Thalia made a giant lightning storm and walked along the beach, a good distance away. She then used a phone to call every monster on Long Island towards her. She did not leave until every last one was dead.

Nico screamed. And cried. And summoned around 400,000 skeletons. Thalia killed them all, though. With help from Clarissie. He then spent 3 weeks trying to summon Percy's ghost, but all he got was a confused ghost named Peter.

Reyna just stood there, shocked. When it came time to deliver the news to the leigon, she could barely not cry. Wails came up from the leigon, and they created a new cohort, the 6th. It's standard was a Pegasus.

Frank changed into a hyena and wouldn't change back for a month. Considering the hyena is closely related to death, it was a rather fitting animal.

Hazel created a giant quartz box and stayed inside of it for a month. Nico slid food through a slot, but she had no human interaction aside for the occasion attempt to convince her to come out. Eventually, Frank turned back and got her out.

Jason and Will buried themselves in their work, Within the month, the Kym comics had risen to marvel-level fame. Will attended medical conferences and could rival his best friend Steven Strange in his surgeries.

Piper mostly helped the others. She would use her charm speak on Frank and Hazel to try and get them out of whatever they did, she helped Chris get Clarissie out of the arena, and she calmed Thalia down. There was nothing, however, that she could do for her best friend.

Leo retreated to bunker 9. He worked on Festus so much he didn't even look remotely like Festus. He could now breathe Greek fire, and was much more relistic looking. Leo didnt leave until he was sure he would never lose anyone ever again.

Annabeth was the worst. She didn't leave her cabin for a month and a half. Never slept, always staring off into the distance.

The gods grieved to. All the gods. From all the pantheons he had interacted with. It turns out, that he spent 4 months with the other Pantheons when everyone thought he was asleep.

Eventually though, they all moved on. The gods where better to there kids. Annabeth, After  a year of mourning and sorrow, finally loved again. The Seven became legends among legends. But one of them was more known than the others. Heck, the Egyptians and the Norse wrote books about him.

He was (let me know if I miss any) Perseus Achilles Jackson, Bane of monsters, Savior of Olympus, Hero of Olympus, Traveler of Tarturas, Sailor of the sea of monsters, bearer of the sky, bane of Ares, Bane of Giants and Titans, Killer of Gaea, Fighter of Kronos, Son of Poseidon, Trainer of Magnus Chase, Host of Neckebut, And The demigod leader.

But, how did he handle his death?

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