Unravelling the Night

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The quiet of the night was abruptly shattered by the urgent pounding on Karen's apartment door. She had been sitting in the dimly lit living room, her thoughts a tangled mess of regret and confusion, when the sudden noise jolted her from her reverie. She glanced at the clock—past midnight—and felt a pang of anxiety. She hadn't expected any visitors, let alone the frantic knock that sounded like a demand for answers.

"Karen! Open up!" Liz's voice was unmistakable, filled with desperation and concern.

Karen's heart skipped a beat. Liz and Jake must have found out about Tom's DOR. She rose from the couch, her movements stiff and hesitant, and made her way to the door. She swung it open to reveal Liz and Jake standing in the hallway, their faces etched with worry and anger.

"Where's Tom?" Liz demanded, her eyes blazing. "We've been looking for him everywhere. He's not at the barracks, and we can't find him anywhere. What did you say to him?"

Karen's face fell, her guilt now accompanied by a creeping sense of fear. She was prepared for this confrontation, but she hadn't anticipated the raw intensity of Liz's demand. "I... I don't know where he is," Karen said, her voice trembling slightly. "He left after we talked."

Jake's eyes were sharp, his expression a mixture of frustration and disbelief. "What did you say to him, Karen? This isn't like Tom. He wouldn't just disappear like this unless something was seriously wrong."

Karen swallowed hard, trying to keep her composure. "I told him the truth. I wasn't pregnant. I lied about everything. I thought... I thought if I was honest, he'd be angry and leave anyway. I didn't know he'd..."

Liz's face turned white with shock. "What? You told him you were lying about the pregnancy?"

"Yes," Karen admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean for it to end like this. I was trying to... to fix things, but I only made it worse."

Jake stepped forward, his voice low and dangerous. "You should have thought about that before you lied to him. You had no right to play with his life like that."

Karen flinched, but Liz's gaze was unwavering. "What else did you say to him? Did you push him to do this? Did you drive him away?"

Karen's eyes filled with tears, her anger at herself now morphing into defensive bitterness. "I didn't push him. He's the one who couldn't handle the pressure. He's the one who walked away from everything."

Liz's face darkened with fury. "You really think this is all about him being weak? You have no idea what he's been through. You're the one who made it worse. You should have supported him, not torn him down."

Karen's expression hardened, her guilt giving way to a stubborn defiance. "He's the one who couldn't cope. He thought he could handle everything, but he couldn't. Maybe if he hadn't been so weak, he wouldn't be in this mess."

Liz's eyes were blazing, her voice a sharp edge. "How dare you? You have no idea what kind of pressure he's been under. And now, because of you, he's disappeared, and we don't know where he is."

Jake's jaw clenched. "We need to find him. If you know anything, anything at all, you need to tell us now."

Karen looked away, feeling the weight of their accusations and her own remorse. She knew they were right, that she had played a significant part in this unfolding tragedy. The reality of her actions, of her lies and the way they had contributed to Tom's breakdown, was beginning to hit her hard.

"I don't know where he is," Karen said finally, her voice breaking. "He left after we talked. He was upset, and I think... I think he might have gone somewhere alone."

Liz's expression softened slightly, but her resolve remained firm. "If you remember anything, anything at all, you need to let us know. We need to find him before something worse happens."

With that, Liz and Jake turned and left, their urgency palpable as they disappeared into the night. Karen watched them go, feeling a sinking sense of dread. She had a gnawing suspicion about where Tom might have gone, a place he had gone to before when he was overwhelmed—a place where he could be alone, with his thoughts, and where the pressure of his situation might have seemed too much to bear.

As the night dragged on, Karen sat alone in her apartment, the silence now a stark contrast to the chaos that had just unfolded. She could feel the weight of her decisions bearing down on her, the crushing realization of the damage she had done. The guilt was overwhelming, a dark cloud that seemed to swallow everything else.

She reached for her phone and dialed a number she hoped she would never have to call. The line rang several times before someone answered. "Hello?"

"It's Karen," she said, her voice shaking. "I need to report someone missing. It's Tom Morgan. He's... he's gone."

As she spoke, the reality of the situation became even clearer. Tom was out there somewhere, and she was responsible for a part of the chaos that had led him to this point. The night was long and filled with uncertainty, but one thing was becoming painfully clear: she had to face the consequences of her actions, no matter how painful it might be.

And so, as the hours ticked by and the search for Tom continued, Karen was left to grapple with her own demons, the haunting knowledge that her choices had set off a chain of events she could no longer control. The future was uncertain, and the consequences of her actions would reverberate far beyond this night.

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