Pressure Points

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The following days were a blur of relentless training. Every morning began before dawn, the air still cool and the stars faintly visible in the sky, only to dissolve into grueling drills that pushed Jake and his fellow recruits to their limits. There was no time for second-guessing, no room for error. The instructors drilled them mercilessly, their expectations high, their tolerance for mistakes nonexistent.

Jake fell into a rhythm, his world narrowing to the sharp focus of training. The brief moments he had to himself were filled with thoughts of Liz, her voice a steadying presence in his mind, a reminder of why he was here. But as the days wore on, the pressure mounted, and even thoughts of her couldn't always keep the doubts at bay.

One evening, after another long day of flight simulation and emergency drills, Jake found himself lying on his bunk, staring at the ceiling. The room was dimly lit, the low hum of conversation around him fading into the background. His muscles ached, his mind was a whirl of checklists and procedures, and the exhaustion went bone-deep. For the first time since arriving at Pensacola, he began to question whether he had the strength to keep going.

Tom, who'd managed to stay upbeat despite the intensity of the training, was unusually quiet as he sat across the room, polishing his boots. His normally easygoing demeanor seemed frayed, his movements mechanical, almost obsessive.

"Hey, Tom," Jake called out, his voice low so as not to disturb the other recruits. "You alright?"

Tom glanced up, his expression tight. "Yeah, just trying to stay on top of things. It's been rough, you know?"

Jake nodded, understanding all too well. The pressure was getting to everyone, and even Tom's confident facade was beginning to show cracks. "Yeah, I get it. But you're doing great, man. We both are. We just have to keep pushing through."

Tom forced a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Thanks, Jake. a lot on my mind."

Jake wanted to press further, to ask what was really bothering him, but before he could, one of the instructors walked in, clipboard in hand, calling out names for night-duty shifts. The conversation was cut short, the moment lost as they were pulled back into the relentless grind of training.

The following morning, the recruits gathered for their next test: water survival training. The instructors, led by Chief Warrant Officer Daniels, had a reputation for being particularly brutal when it came to this phase. As they stood at the edge of the pool, the smell of chlorine thick in the air, Jake couldn't help but feel a wave of anxiety wash over him.

"Alright, listen up!" Daniels barked, his voice cutting through the murmur of the group. "Today, you're going to learn what it feels like to survive a crash at sea. This is where you separate the men from the boys. You fail here, and you might as well pack your bags. There's no room for weakness in naval aviation."

The recruits lined up in front of a large pool that was designed to simulate the open ocean. The water was dark and deep, the surface eerily still, waiting to swallow them whole. Jake felt his heart rate pick up, his palms growing sweaty as he watched the instructors prepare the harnesses and equipment for the exercise.

Daniels continued, his expression hard. "You'll be submerged, flipped upside down, and disoriented. Your job is to remain calm, follow procedure, and get out of the aircraft. If you panic, you fail. Simple as that."

Jake exchanged a glance with Tom, who looked unusually tense. His usual bravado was gone, replaced by a distant look in his eyes. Jake had seen Tom push through every challenge so far, but something about this test seemed to unsettle him in a way Jake hadn't seen before.

One by one, the recruits were strapped into the harnesses and lowered into the water. Jake watched as the first few made it through the test, their heads breaking the surface with gasps of relief, but it wasn't long before the first signs of panic began to show. A few recruits flailed wildly, their fear getting the better of them, and they were pulled out by the instructors, soaked and defeated.

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