𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞, steamy hand prints

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the air hung heavy with the sounds of labored breaths escaping from the torn-apart honda odyssey, creating a symphony of discomfort as their groans blended together. the relationship between the two men became strained, spiraling into an atmosphere filled with palpable tension and escalating anticipation. neither of them dared to make a move. the lifeless red suit hung from the shattered windshield, and in the back seat, the worn-out wolverine found solace in this break to replenish his depleted energy.

"now that.. that was fucking amazing." wade horsely spoke, finally able to form a coherent sentence after having a sharp blade repeatedly thrust through his vocal cords. his frail form somehow surviving being ravished head to toe by a relentless and feral beast.

with his entire body throbbing in pain, his mutant abilities sure took their sweet time repairing his broken bones. the spandex-wearing man struggled to free himself from the cracked, web-streaked glass. each movement sent sharp shards burrowing further into his flesh until, finally, wade somehow contorted himself into the passenger seat.

wade worked on carefully extracting deep shards from his torso, wincing as he did so. turning in his seat, he was taken aback to see logan still conscious despite their intense and prolonged battle. "wow... you look like shit," wade remarked, able to see the various healing cuts around the mustard-colored suit.

the tension crackled as logan resisted the urge to retort with a sharp comeback. instead, he let out a derisive scoff before speaking, "take a good look at yourself, bubs. you're not looking too hot either," he said, his voice still scratchy from all the yelling. to think they would still be at each other's throats if it weren't for their lack of stamina. the temporary ceasefire between them spoke volumes, considering the still-healing wounds around logan's chest and midsection.

"kitties got claws, that's for sure," wade noted, dragging the pad of his thumb along the torn section of his newly tailored get-up.

"shut your damn mouth," logan snapped, his voice carrying a stern growl that rumbled in the back of his throat. despite his heeded warning, logan's words had little to no effect on the oblivious wade, who continued to push the boundaries by poking the bear further and further.

with a mocking and provocative tone in his voice, wade taunted, "why don't you come over and make me then, tough guy?" he asked with a smirk, "this foreplay has got me all riled up, i'm ready for the main event." in the end, the ticked off logan didn't respond using his words, but instead by pulling the bloodied blade from his chest and tossing it aside.

usually, the yellow-suited man would ignore wade's flirtatious overtone and refuse to give him the satisfaction of getting under his skin.

however, on this particular occasion, something snapped. after their previous altercation, with an adrenaline high still coursing through his veins, how could logan turn down such a tempting offer?

before wade had a chance to react, his spandex limbs were suddenly ensnared by the binds of a seatbelt, securing him firmly to his seat. as he struggled to make sense of the situation, the chair swiftly reclined, sending him hurtling backward at a dizzying speed. everything unfolded so quickly that wade barely had time to process before he was flat on his back. he couldn't help but feel stupid for underestimating logan's ability to call his bluff. the weight of another person bore down upon him as he winced, the webbings of the seat belt cutting off his blood circulation.

wade's muscles strained as he wriggled desperately, trying to free himself from the rabid animal that had him pinned down. weakened and vulnerable, it was no surprise logan could overpower him with such ease.

"another word out of you, and ill gladly slit your throat and watch your head roll," logan hissed. the sharp, almost razor-like claws caused a red ooze to dribble from the other's neck. wade, still not realizing the seriousness of the situation, allowed his lewd thoughts to take over (as dirty minds often do)

strapped down and squeezed uncomfortably into the passenger seat of a battered honda odyssey, with a larger man looming over him, he couldn't deny that this situation was making his dick twitch. getting turned on in this situation made it harder to crack sex jokes, knowing half of what he spouted would hold, at most, some truth.

"woah there, big fella, take it easy," wade urged, his sarcastic tone underscoring his calm demeanor. he carefully tested the waters, half expecting his head to be on the chopping block. as he spoke, his wandering eyes trailed down the vibrant, unmistakable yellow costume of the other's toned figure, taking in every detail with curiosity and amusement.

"i mean, if you wanted me that bad, you could've just used your words, kitten." logan wore a puzzled expression, not understanding what senseless blabber the red man was going on about, that was until he felt it. with a slight shift, a knee was now pressing against his half-hardened groin, causing a sharp groan to ripple through his throat. fuck.

wolverine let out a string of curses through gritted teeth, feeling frustration welling up inside him. he could feel the discomfort of his suit rubbing against his skin, and under normal circumstances, it wouldn't have bothered him. however, the timing couldn't have been worse, and the sensation only added to his growing irritation.

his lips remained tightly pressed together as he struggled to find an excuse or explanation to justify this mess. he chose to remain silent, unwilling to reveal his inner thoughts, yet he also stood his ground, unwilling to back down. his bruised ego simply wouldn't allow him to retreat, as he knew that any movement on his part would be seen as an admission of defeat.

wade's twisted smile widened as he leaned back in his seat, relishing the tension that began to flood the vehicle. "seems like i've hit a nerve, wouldn't you agree, pussycat?" he purred, his eyes dancing with amusement as he eagerly anticipated what was about to unfold during the remainder of their short car ride. in response, logan shot him a fierce, unrelenting glare and growled, "shut your damn mouth before i rip out that tongue of yours."

wade sighed, clearly unimpressed with the vague threat he was receiving. "these loose threats are getting old. they're just not doing it for me anymore," he remarked. sitting up, wade pressed the sharp claw against his suit, catching the other off guard. "if you're serious about shutting me up, why don't you give me something bigger to gag on, huh, tough guy?"

seizing the opportunity to take action, wade quickly gained control of the seat. with surprising ease, he reversed their positions, now towering over the top of logan. using his newly freed hands, he secured the other weaponized paws above his head with the seat belt, tying them into a neat, tight bow.

sure, these binds were no match for a rage-infused animal like wolverine. in the blink of an eye, he could shred these belts like nothing more than loose paper. however, another factor was at play for the well-respected logan; he was still hard. and this big problem didn't seem to be going away anytime soon.

"i'll have you know this mouth is capable of much more than just dirty talk," wade's words alone held an undeniable power, causing the other's groin to twitch beneath the fabric of his pants with a mixture of both anticipation and borderline suspense.

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