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Zirah's connection with Lamine had only grown stronger after their day exploring Barcelona and their warm hug on the beach. The following week, they found more opportunities to spend time together, often lingering after training sessions or sharing quiet moments during team dinners. Their conversations flowed easily, and the comfort between them was undeniable.

One afternoon, after an intense practice session, Zirah and Lamine found themselves alone in one of the training rooms, cooling down with some light stretches. The sun filtered through the large windows, casting a golden glow on the room.

"Do you ever just get lost in thought during training?" Lamine asked, his voice breaking the comfortable silence.

Zirah chuckled, leaning back on her hands. "All the time. Especially when it's been a tough session. My mind tends to drift to random things."

"Like what?" Lamine inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Well, today, I was thinking about that time we went to Park Güell," Zirah admitted, her cheeks warming at the memory. "It was such a nice day."

Lamine smiled, a soft look in his eyes. "It was. I've been thinking about that day too."

They fell into another silence, but this one was filled with unspoken thoughts. Zirah could feel the tension between them, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. She wondered if Lamine felt it too.

Just as she was about to say something, the door to the training room opened, and Marta walked in, breaking the moment. She gave them a quick smile before heading to the other side of the room to grab some equipment.

Zirah took the interruption as a sign to refocus. She couldn't let herself get too distracted, even if her thoughts kept drifting back to Lamine. They were both here for football, and she needed to keep her priorities straight.

Later that evening, the team had a strategy meeting in one of the hotel conference rooms. Zirah sat beside Marta, who was going over notes with some of the other players. Lamine was seated across the room, but their eyes met several times, each glance lingering a little longer than the last.

After the meeting, as everyone was getting ready to leave, Lamine approached Zirah. "Hey, do you want to grab some dinner later? Just the two of us?"

Zirah's heart skipped a beat. She had been hoping he would ask. "Sure, I'd love to."

They decided to meet in the hotel lobby in an hour. Zirah quickly headed to her room to freshen up, her mind racing with excitement. She chose a casual but stylish outfit, something comfortable yet flattering. She wanted to look nice, but not like she was trying too hard.

When she made her way back to the lobby, she found Lamine waiting for her. He looked effortlessly handsome in a simple black shirt and jeans. When he saw her, his face lit up with a smile that made her heart flutter.

"You look great, Zirah," he said, offering his hand as they stepped outside into the cool evening air.

"Thanks, you too," Zirah replied, feeling a pleasant warmth spread through her at his compliment.

They walked down the street, the sound of the city around them adding to the lively atmosphere. They found a small, cozy restaurant that Lamine had discovered during one of his previous visits to Barcelona. The ambiance was perfect—intimate and relaxed, with dim lighting and soft music playing in the background.

As they settled into their seats, the conversation flowed naturally. They talked about their hopes for the upcoming matches, shared stories from their childhoods, and even discussed their favorite movies and music. Zirah found herself laughing more than she had in a long time, and every time Lamine looked at her, she felt a spark of something deeper.

After they finished their meal, they decided to take a walk along the beach. The moon was high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the water. The beach was quiet, with only the sound of the waves gently lapping against the shore.

As they walked, Lamine suddenly stopped and turned to Zirah. "Zirah, I've been meaning to tell you something."

She looked up at him, her heart pounding in her chest. "What is it?"

"I really like spending time with you," Lamine said, his voice soft but steady. "I don't know where this is going, but I know that I want to keep getting to know you better."

Zirah felt a rush of emotions—happiness, excitement, and a bit of nervousness. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before responding. "I feel the same way, Lamine. I've really enjoyed getting to know you, and I'd like to see where this goes too."

A slow smile spread across Lamine's face, and Zirah couldn't help but smile back. They continued their walk, the conversation lighter but filled with a sense of possibility. As they reached the end of the beach, they found a quiet spot to sit and just enjoy the moment.

The night was peaceful, and Zirah felt a sense of contentment she hadn't felt in a long time. Being with Lamine felt right, like they were on the verge of something special. And as they sat there, side by side, Zirah knew that whatever happened next, they would face it together.

XXX sorry for not publishing for a WHILE also when im done with this book I think im gonna make another one make rod wave elite players or sum shit VOTE THO XXX

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