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Goes my pencil, broken by the intense pressure of my trembling fingers pressing into the smooth wooden surface.

A wooden surface that told many stories...yet I told more.

"I can't remember...I can't remember!" I mumble, frantically scribbling onto the crinkled paper, desperate to recall the faces of my deceased friends.

No matter how much I drew them, it just wasn't them.

I can't remember...

"I can't remember what they look like..."

My voice breaks as I fight back a sob, my eyes threatening to tear up. Zena, Yuka...Luna...I'm so sorry.

I was practically reaching into the back of my mind, scratching at my brain, trying to remember them. What they looked like...what they sounded like...

I let out a frustrated groan, digging my fingers into the poor pencil. It was pretty much useless now. My nail snaps and bends from the building pressure.

I give up. I fucking give up.

I throw the pencil across the wall with all my might, causing it to bounce off the wall and onto the ground with a hollow *thonk!*

What would Luna do in this situation?

...I don't know. If you really think about it, I only knew her for less than a day.

Even so, it still feels like I had known her for's as if we were meant to be.

Meant to be? No, that's...stupid...

Everything about this is stupid.

I'm stupid.

I grip onto the pencil tightly.

But...I threw the pencil, didn't I?

Ah, that's right. I'm not holding a pencil.

I look down at the noose in my hands, my palms already grazed and stinging from my tight grip.

I scoff's as if I knew this was going to happen someday.

I reason to live.


My legs dangle weakly, kicking and trembling off the ground. Everything head, my stomach, my hurts to breathe.

Tears well up in my eyes as strangled whimpers bubble from my throat.



No! I do have a reason to live!

Friends, I have friends! Scarlet, Meeko and Isabelle, I must live for them!!!

I kick violently, weakly gripping onto the noose around my neck in attempt to pull it off, but it just makes everything more painful.

"Urgh...!!!" Tears stream down my cheeks. I can't die like this! I can't!

My vision starts to get fuzzy. I don't know whether it was from my tears or my consciousness...or both.

I...can't die...


*knock* *knock* *knock*


"Mika? Mika?!"

A girly voice sends me off into unconsciousness.




Reality Is Merciless : IIIWhere stories live. Discover now