Requiescat in Pace part 1🩶

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Kaelyn pov

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Kaelyn pov

Dressing the mannequins, while Samira sweep out the shop again we were now finish! "Angle that goodz!" Zoe exclaimed. Fixing the "Welcome to Lyn's Fashion" sign, The shop indeed ready fi open. Taking the final pics, mi post them pon the business instagram page. "A just the shirt dem fi pick up and every thing sekkle." Zoe said. "When the things dem fi pack in?" Mira asked. "Can dweet 3 days before the opening." I replied. "So Thursday then?" or yuh can even dweet friday." Mira responded. "So a jus two things fi get" Zoe said while checking off on her list. Hearing my phone ringing Zoe answered. "Ypree fav cuzzo" she answered.

but she rude suppose a did mi side man?

The phone was now passed over to me. "Yea?" I answered seeing that it was Mari. "You good ma?" waa nth fi eat?" "No but I want starbucks" I replied. "Unuh waa anything?" I asked my friends and they also want starbucks. The call was now ended. We take a likkle break and wait pon my manfor the lil sweet mouth drinks. Just observing the shop, mi smile at the thought that mi actually achieve a goal mi set frah mi childhood dayz. Mira and Zoe were down in their phones so mi decide fi call aunty. Calling her, The call was now connected. Seeing that she request to a video call I accepted it. "Dash mi weh eeh!" she was the first to speak. "Nuh say suh mon" I replied laughing cause it partially true. "Just been busy, right now a shop mi deh finish up." I continued. "A suh Kaleb tell mi say yuh tun business woman." "Mi a come look fi yuh tmr yere?" I assured her. Talking to her for awhile and updating her on what she's missing out on the call now ended. Couple mins later Mari reach with our starbucks. "Unuh ready now?" I asked cause it was getting late. Mi neva drive today cause I felt lazy so a Mari carry we gah shop. Mira closed up the windows then I pushed the boxes in a corner. Curtain dem fi put up but iz a next day thing that. Everyone was now in the vehicle. Saying my goodbyes to the girls, it was now my time to go home. "A when ya show Kaleb the pree?" or yuh waa me dweet?" he asked breaking the silence. Mi know exactly weh this a reach to kmt. "I'll do it, mi soon tell him." I simply replied. He didn't respond and the car start go faster so mi know him upset now. Seeing him take a total different route mi start ketch mi fraid. "Where we going?" I asked but did not receive an answer. "Stop the car and let mi out" mi calmly say because mi nuh inna the mood fi the bullshit.

God if yuh nuh busy come here deh.

Seeing him turn to his personal house mi feel a sense of relieve wash over mi.

Den a dat him couldn't just say?

After he parked the car, him jus step out and devn open the door fi me. Seeing him display a side mi never see before, mi know somo wrong and a nuh bout me not telling Kaleb about us but something else a bother him. Exiting his vehicle, , mi guh inside the house. His car key was on a mini table so mi tek it up and use it close the car. Closing the door, mi guh upstairs. Seeing him inside a room smoking, mi jus let him be. Mi waa bathe so mi jus use the other bathroom. Stripping naked, the bathroom door open weh cause mi fi jump. Ignoring Romari presence, mi guh over the bath and close the shower door. Mi wet up mi body and the rag then apply some shower gel to mi rag. The shower door open and a naked Romario appeared and a come over the bath.

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