Part 1

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As the birds tweet and the school bell rings, pax worlders gather around to get into their class. A random yellow one named pac man was about to enter his classroom with his friends spiral and cylindria.
Spiral: hey buddy, can't wait to learn about what's happening.
PAC man: yeah me too.
Miss glober: alright students, we have a new student since we have a new seat. Come in miss.
Cylindria: miss?
Another yellow one named crystal man came over and has yellow hair with turquoise highlights and clothes that matches her highlights.
Spiral on the other hand was surprise to meet her. He blushed and his heart skipped a beat and he daydreamed about her.
PAC man: Crystal?! Oh my gosh! It's really you!
Crystal: hey pac! I miss you too.
Skeebo: hey pretty girl, maybe you should sit with me? I'm the one who you need
Crystal: thanks but I rather sit with my cousin. But thanks for the offer.
Crystal found the empty spot next to spiral
Spiral: oh um...hey...
Crystal: hey. I'm crystal.
Spiral blushes even more
Spiral: I'm spiral. Nice to meet you too...
Cylindria: looks like someone has a crush on someone...
PAC: definitely...

PAC man the ghostly adventures season 3 episode 1Where stories live. Discover now