Chapter 1

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this is all for fun but i just wanted to share it. i did not write this i just suggested things along with a few of my friends. all credit goes to my good friend Beth so yeah... ^^


"Run. Run as fast and as far as you can. Turn off the TV and run, NOW!! This is the end." 

I usually do what I'm told. But this? What is the point if this is the end? There are loud groans pouring through the window. This is it. A zombie apocalypse. It sounds crazy, doesn't it? But I assure you, this is it.

My parents are gone. Heck, my whole families gone! Miss Fifi, the little yorkie who belongs to old Mrs Yates down the road, is gone. Along with Mrs Yates!

"Lily!? Are zombies allergic to garlic?" Shouted Ella from the kitchen.

"What the hell Ella! that's vampires! And they're not allergic, it flipping kills them!!" Lily contradicted whilst reading a survival guide on the sofa. 

Lily- zombie expert

Ella- nerd

Ella wanders into the room, wearing a string of garlic around her neck.

"Ella! I just told you! You can't kill a zombie with garlic! And quite frankly it stinks, and makes for a dreadful accessory!" Lily yanked off the garlic from around Ella's neck and dropped it to the floor.

"Lily- What exactly would you know about accessories? Plus who is here to see us? Well, except us that is." Ellie added, walking into the room.

"way to lift the mode Ellie..." Lois says sarcastically, sat on the torn up sofa eating a sandwich.

I find it extremely hard to believe that someone like Lois is one of the violent ones out of our group. Also how Ellie is the most cheerful person. 

But hey! I guess your mind becomes dark after squatting in the only standing house on this street.

Which is stupid because that probably makes us a large target. And Misi is the one in charge of strategics!

there's barely any room for the 10 of us in this building. that is Lily, Ellie, Annabel, Jess, Holly, Will, Misi, Lois, Ella, and me. Bethany.


My name is not Bethany I am Jess but my friend Beth wrote this so it's from her pov. Anyways I really hope you enjoyed chapter 1, it is quite short and really random but like I said, this is just for fun. ^^

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