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It's the face that I see in the mirror with blood shot eyes that are mistaken for brown and beautiful smiling from ear to ear

Staring back at me it's the scariest thing in the world, with sharp teeth stained with the blood and flesh of my self worth and will to live

It's a monster a killer it can rip you apart in a second it goes inside your mind and obliterates what you once thought of yourself and only shows the wrong you have done

It goes into your imagination destroys your mind, every day it eats a little more of my smile and rips up a little more of my heart

It has no mercy it only feeds off of every bad word
for every mean thing
every hateful comment and shattered heart

It feels, it sees, it hears.

you call this monster me the doctors call it a problem my parents call it a burden strangers call it weird and the world calls it broken!

So when you see me smiling know that my teeth are stained with the invisible blood of my own self worth and will to live know that inside I hold a monster that goes by many names but I call it anxiety

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