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Obviously there will be spoilers for the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, (probably less with the events and stuff, and more with the characters, so you've been warned. (And things would probably be confusing if you didn't watch the show.)

Please Read This:
I know that the alternate presents that are seen in the Season 5 finale are NOT alternate timelines, but rather the present day changed after events in the past had been altered. (I never knew why the fandom interpreted them as timelines when it always felt obvious to me that they weren't since they were implied to be altered present days,) but for the sake of this fanfic, let's ignore that for now..


"It's almost time....."

"Yeah, I know." said Grimr, a shy green pegasus with a more unkempt mane. She was replying to her Luminous Starbind, a yellow unicorn with a dark grayish-green mane with a lighter green and purple stripe on the center-left side of it.

They were both in a bedroom that had its walls colored white-yellow, while being lit up by the orange haze of the outside morning sky, with its bright yellow sun glaring its light into the room. Grimr was lying on the floor underneath some blankets and a pillow next to them, while Luminous was on his own bed in one of the corners of the room, though the sheets were tossed to the side. Their house was located in Ghastly Gorge, inside a small town that had been settled in after a major event happened in this world. But the sun and its light still managed to pass into the room.

"Hey, aren't you having second thoughts about this?" Grimr asked Luminous as she stood up.

Luminous chuckled a little bit while also getting up before answering. "No? Why?"

"Well I mean.. It's war!" Grimr explained. "You're not scared of war?"

"Yeah it might be war, but it's for a good cause! I'll do anything for Equestria, including fighting against King Sombra!" Luminous stated.

"Uh.. wow.." Grimr was a little surprised. "You really love Equestria don't you?"

"Uh... Don't you?" Luminous asked.

"Y-yeah.. But.. This whole.. loving your homeland thing just kinda fuels a weird feeling inside me." Grime responded with, not knowing how to phrase things.

"Why?" Luminous asked.

"....... I'd rather not talk about it." Grimr told him.

"Well.. Maybe things might feel weird for you, but for me.. This feels like what my cutie-mark truly represents!" Luminous looked at his flank, seeing his cutie-mark which depicted a five-pointed gray star, with bind-like strings attached to it.

Grimr didn't say anything.

Luminous seemed to take notice of this.

"Hey....." He tried to talk to Grimr. "Even during this whole war thing, I-I'll still be with you... I-I didn't have..... Many friends when I was a kid in Ponyville, but you..... Ever since my family moved, you're probably the best friend I've ever had.... M-maybe even more..." Luminous sounded a bit more nervous and unsure of himself the more he went on.

"Well... What if you..... don't come back?" Grimr asked, sounding worried.

"Don't worry about that!" Luminous said, sounding confident, but dismissive, as if he didn't even consider it a possibility. "I'll make it back in one piece just fine."

"...Why do you sound so... confident?" Grimr asked him.

"Well how could I not?" Luminous replied, chucking a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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