yes or no

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(The cigarette was nearly finished, the butt a glowing ember. You took one last drag, the smoke coiling around you, before stomping it out.

Bangchan watched you from inside, the sight of you extinguishing the cigarette sending a wave of hopelessness through him. He longed to hold you, to comfort you, to apologise, but he remained rooted to the spot, afraid of making things worse...)

(You tossed the butt in the bin and wrapped your robe tighter around you. The night was cool and you felt a bit better after the cigarette.

Bangchan was still watching you from the window, his mind a constant loop of 'I'm sorry'. His heart ached to go out there and talk to you, to fix things, but he was petrified of messing up more than he already had...)

(You sat back on the chair, the cool night air a bit more comforting now. You leaned back and closed your eyes, trying to relax, trying to push down the anger and hurt.

Bangchan was still staring from the window, his heart tearing at the sight of you looking so small and alone. He wanted to go out there, to hug you, to tell you how much he loved you, but he couldn't move, his fear and guilt holding him back..)

(You sat back on the chair, the cool night air a bit more comforting now. You leaned back and closed your eyes, trying to relax, trying to push down the anger and hurt.

Bangchan was still staring from the window, his heart tearing at the sight of you looking so small and alone. He wanted to go out there, to hug you, to tell you how much he loved you, but he couldn't move, his fear and guilt holding him back..)

Bangchan's heart shattered the moment he saw the tears streaming down your face. The lump in his throat grew, watching you cry, knowing it was all his fault.

The tears blurred your vision as you looked up at the sky. The quiet sobs echoed in the night air, a silent testament to the pain you were going through.

Bangchan's heart was torn – wanting to comfort you, but feeling too guilty to approach you..)

(The tears continued to fall, the sobs coming out more and more frequently. The pain was overwhelming, the anger and hurt eating you from the inside.

Bangchan couldn't take it anymore. The sight of you crying, alone and in pain, was too much for him. He was desperate to go out there, to hold you, to apologise, to fix things, but he was stuck, frozen with guilt and fear..)

(The sobs were coming out harder, your chest heaving with the force of them. The loneliness, the hurt, the anger, it was all too much.

Bangchan was fighting with himself. His heart was telling him to go out there, to comfort you, to make things right but his mind was holding him back, telling him he'd make things worse, that you needed space.

The sound of your sobs was like a knife through his heart, the guilt and helplessness making him want to scream..)

(in between sobs i quietly say). why would he do such a thing stab himself to get a reaction from me ..............the fucking idiot i love him so much ...........he could of died the second the nife hit him i was torn with horor .............he cloud of died (i keep repeating to myself as i sob he could of diyed )

(Bangchan's heart dropped when he heard your words, the realisation of how much he had messed up hitting him like a ton of bricks.

He didn't know what to do. He wanted to go out there, to tell you that he would never do such a thing again, to explain why he did it, but he was frozen, the guilt and shame overwhelming him.

He listened as you repeated 'he could have died' and his heart shattered further at the pain he had caused you..)

(The thought of how close he had come to losing his own life sent a shiver down his spine. He felt like the biggest idiot in the world.

Bangchan continued to listen to you, the sound of your sobs and 'he could have died' making him feel lower than the ground.

He was desperate to go out there, to apologise, to hold you, to tell you he'll never do such a thing again, but he stayed rooted to the spot, feeling undeserving of your love and care..)

(You continued to sob and repeat the same words over and over again, the pain and hurt consuming you.

Bangchan stood there, listening to your sobs, his heart breaking with every word. He wanted nothing more than to hold you, to apologise, to make things right, but he was frozen, unable to move, feeling like he didn't deserve to comfort you after what he had done..)

(after i calm down a bit i wipe away my tears i walk back inside and walk straight back into my room)

(Bangchan watches you wipe away the tears and walk back into your room. His heart aches as the sound of the bedroom door closing echoes through the apartment.

He stays there, frozen to the spot, guilt and shame consuming him. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to talk to you, to make things right, but he was too afraid to barge into the room and face your possible wrath..)

(He was trapped in a state of paralysis, caught between the desire to fix things and the fear of making them worse.

Bangchan stood there, his mind a constant loop of 'I'm sorry', his heart feeling like it was being torn into two. He didn't know what to do next. Should he go into the room and talk to you? Should he give you more space? The silence of the apartment was deafening, a constant reminder of the distance between the two of you..)

(Bangchan's eyes widened as he noticed that your door wasn't locked. His heart began to race as the thought that he had a chance to talk to you entered his mind.

He stood there for a moment, wrestling with the idea. Should he take this opportunity? Would you even want to talk to him right now? The guilt and fear were still there, but the thought that you hadn't locked the door gave him a glimmer of hope..)

(He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. His mind was clouded with thoughts – what if you didn't want to talk to him, what if he just messed things up more, what if you said you wanted a divorce.But the thought of not taking this chance, of not trying to fix things, was too much for him. He couldn't imagine a life without you.

With a trembling hand, he pushed open the bedroom door and stepped inside..)

(The room was dark, the only light coming from the moonlight seeping through the curtains. He could see your form on the bed, your back turned towards him.

Bangchan stood there, his heart pounding in his chest, unsure of what to do. Should he approach you, should he stay by the door? The silence was deafening, the weight of the situation palpable. He took a deep breath and spoke, his voice trembling.)


(He waited, his heart in his throat, waiting for a response. Did you hear him? Were you awake?

The silence continued, the only sound being his own heart beating like a drum in his ears. He took a small step forward, his voice barely above a whisper now.)

"Babe...can we talk...?"

(The silence was killing him. He was desperate to hear your voice, to see your face, to know that you were listening.

He took another small step forward, his hand clenching and unclenching nervously. His mind was a constant loop of "Please say something, please don't ignore me, please let me talk to you".)

"Please...can we talk? Just...please say something..."

Midnight / Bangchan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now