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दिल की बात छुपा कर हम,
लबों से मुस्कुराते रहे,
वो हमेशा हमें देख कर मुस्कुराते रहे,
हम उनसे मिलने की राह देखते रहे।

The Kapoor Mansion buzzed with activity as the preparations for the God Bharayi ceremony continued with fervor. The once grand hall was transformed into a vibrant explosion of color and light, with fragrant flowers, shimmering drapes, and intricate decorations creating an atmosphere of joyous anticipation. Suhana and Aniket were at the heart of the preparations, ensuring that every detail was perfect for their beloved bhabhi and wife. Suhana, ever the perfectionist, darted around the mansion, barking orders and double-checking every arrangement, while Aniket managed the logistics, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to his sister's frenetic energy.

The Raichand family, thrilled for their daughter Ambika, had arrived early, eager to participate in the decorations. The mansion echoed with laughter and chatter as family members and friends worked together, their hearts swelling with pride and happiness. Ambika, the radiant mother-to-be, moved through the gathering like a graceful swan, her every movement filled with the soft glow of impending motherhood.

As the final touches were being made, Amrita, approached Adrisha with a warm smile. "Beta, could you please check on the decorations for the swing? We want it to appear flawless since Ambika will be seated there during the ceremony."

"Of course, aunty," Adrisha replied, flashing a confident smile. She made her way over to the swing, placed in a central area under a canopy of flowers and twinkling lights. The swing itself was a masterpiece, intricately carved and adorned with soft cushions, but Adrisha noticed that the floral arrangements were slightly off.

Due to her attention to detail, Adrisha decided to redo the flowers herself. She found a small stool and, without hesitation, climbed onto it, tiptoeing to reach the higher parts of the swing. As she carefully adjusted the flowers, she became completely absorbed in her task, unaware that the stool beneath her was wobbling precariously.

Eshaanth, who had been busy overseeing other arrangements, couldn't help but notice Adrisha out of the corner of his eye. He felt a familiar twinge of irritation—she seemed to be everywhere.

As he watched her now, perched precariously on the stool, a new worry crept into his mind. The stool was clearly unstable, and the thought of her falling sent a jolt through him that he couldn't ignore. Just as he was about to shout a warning, the stool gave way completely.

Adrisha felt herself falling, the world tilting as she lost her balance. A gasp escaped her lips as the ground seemed to rush up to meet her. But before she could hit the floor, strong arms caught her, lifting her up and away from the impending fall.

Eshaanth had reacted on pure instinct, reaching her just in time to prevent what could have been a nasty fall. He caught her in a bridal style, his arms steady around her as the flowers she had been holding scattered around them like confetti.

Adrisha found herself captivated by the intensity of Eshaanth's gaze, almost feeling unworthy of the way his eyes seemed to drink her in. She had always believed his eyes were a straightforward grey, but now, under the soft light, they appeared to shift like a kaleidoscope—deep pools of color that seemed to change with each subtle movement. The play of light brought out hints of blue, green, and even gold, making them mesmerizing, as if she could lose herself within their depths.

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