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"Hey girlie!" An upbeat voice echoed across the flowery meadow, carried by the crisp spring air.

As Lumine's golden hair gently swayed in the breeze, she saw a familiar figure approaching, his hand waving energically at her like an excited puppy.
A playful glint of mischief danced across his deep blue eyes, like sunlight sparkling on a wind-tossed ocean.

"Childe," she greeted, her voice laced with exasperation, "why do you keep calling me that?"

He stopped a few inches away, hands clasped behind his back as his features curved into a whimsical frown.

"Well, you weren't exactly thrilled with 'comrade', were you? I figured 'girlie' could've been a step in the right direction, a touch of friendly camaraderie, wouldn't you say?"

Lumine raised an eyebrow. "More like a step towards guaranteed annoyance."

Childe feigned hurt, his lower lip jutting out in a comical pout while his hand dramatically reached for his chest. "Aw, so mean, girlie. Here I was, trying to forge a meaningful bond with my beloved partner in crime."
He winked, the cheerful spark in his eyes accentuated by the warm afternoon sun.

"We're not partners in crime."

"So harsh. Well, if that's the case, I'll think of a new nickname for you, girlie."

While Lumine sighed deeply, Childe looked completely immersed in his thoughts. There was no way of stopping him now, and unfortunately, she knew that very well.

"I got it!" He declared after a while, a triumphant grin splitting his face. "How about Lumi? Simple and effective."

"...Lumi? You just shortened my name."

"Exactly! That's the point of nicknames, isn't it?" He leaned in conspiratorially, his voice suddenly dropping to a husky whisper.
"Besides, I think it's cute. Just like you."

"Cute?" She scoffed. "Did you forget the way I kicked your butt two days ago?"

Childe threw his head back and laughed, a carefree sound that echoed across the air.
"Oh, Lumine," he teased, his voice now laced with a hint of flirtation, "you are cute especially because you kicked my butt."

She couldn't help but grimace, her face contorted in a disgusted expression, contrasting with his confident smirk.

"If you're going to butcher my name, Childe, then just stick with it." She added, choosing to ignore his previous comment.

"Oh, c'mon, Lumiiiiiii! Don't be so stubborn." He stretched her name dramatically, earning him a roll of the eyes from her.

"Well, I've got no more ideas." He sighed, faking disappointment. "Why don't you try to give me a nickname?"

His eyes started to sparkle with such eagerness that she couldn't bring herself to refuse.

Unwillingly, she started to ponder, tiny flecks of gold dancing within Childe's impatient eyes, reflecting a wellspring of unbridled enthusiasm.

A soft sigh escaped her lips, not of exasperation this time, rather of a reluctant (yet somehow sweet) acceptance.

"Seriously, you're so stubborn, Tortellini." A smug grin curved her lips.

Childe's proud grin faltered for a moment, his eyes widening in surprise. A sputter escaped his lips before he could form a coherent answer.

"Well?" She pressed, her laughter beginning to bubble up. "Cat got your tongue, Tortilla?"

The moment the full impact of her words hit him, a rosy blush bloomed across his cheeks. He averted her gaze, muttering something inaudible under his breath.

Lumine couldn't contain herself anymore and surrounded to the laughter that was tickling her throat nonstop, filling the meadow with its infectious melody.

Finally, she had managed to catch him off guard. For once, it was her who took the words out of his mouth and left him with an awkward smile plastered on his face.

Seeing him so disconcerted made her feel strangely satisfied, as if she had just succeeded in a mission she had tried to accomplish for years.

Her crystal clear voice gradually subsided, and a comfortable silence settled between the two of them, punctuated only by the gentle rustling of leaves in the warm breeze.

"What about..." She began after a while, her cheeks now tinting of a soft shade of pink. "...Ajax?" She murmured with no more than a delicate whisper easily swallowed by the spring wind.

Childe froze on the spot.

His eyes widened once again, eyebrows shooting up in surprise. His lips parted to form a reply, but the words died on his tongue. He darted his gaze around, searching, questioning whether what he'd just heard was real or just a figment of his imagination.

"Did you just...?" A feeble whisper left his now trembling lips as his cheeks grew rosier and his gaze softened.

Lumine found herself unable to look up to him. The moment she spoke, she was suddenly hit by a huge stroke of unaccounted embarrassment.

"Well," Childe started, more hesitant than usual, his hand scratching the back of his head. "It's... It's not exactly a nickname, but..."

He stopped for a moment as if trying to cope with his heartbeat fastening and his cheeks blushing.

"...I like it. If it's you the one saying it, I like it."

She eventually managed to muster the courage to look at him in the eyes: crossing his childlike face was a pleased, yet surprisingly awkward smile.

And she couldn't help but smile back, as she felt her heart being wrapped in a warm embrace, knowing they had finally managed to grow a little closer.

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