Good Night, Midnights🌙(198nights fluff)

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A/N Midnights can't sleep;

☆Midnights' POV

It is 3am, and i'm still staring at the ceiling. I've been trying to sleep for like, hours but i just can't!

I don't know if the fact that I'm trying not to drink or smoke is related to it. But it's probably because i just came back from a party with Reputation.

I jumped out of my bed and went searching for my red telephone. Wich i only use when i need Anti-Hero's help. She's my Side-Era so she must know what to do, right?

I searched for it my whole room but i couldn't find it, wich made me realize how messy my room was.

There were clothes everywhere, it was all dirty, smelled like cigarettes and there were some empty bottles on the floor.

While looking for the telephone, I got to my mirror and took a look at my state.

Wich look terrible.

I had deep circles under my eyes, smudged makeup all over my face, I was stinking in the white jacket i wore, and being honest, I looked gross.

I spent a long time staring at my reflexion with disgust. As i was drunk most of the time, i never realized how i looked, and i know i need to be better. I just don't know how to.

1989: Midnights?

I saw Nine leaning aganist the doorframe, guess i left the door open.

Midnights: Oh, hi love, why are you up so late?

1989: I was thirsty and went to drink some water, but what is my little star doing up so late and in this outfit?

She said softly, walking to me and tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

Midnights: Um...

1989: Babe, it's okay you can tell me.

Nine is aways so patient with me and i love it. I took a deep breath before answering.

Midnights: I was at a party with Rep, BUT BEFORE YOU GET MAD, i didn't drink because i was driving.

1989: It explains the smudged makeup, the outfit and why Rep looks dead on the couch.

She chuckled and looked at me in the eyes. I loved her so much that i felt bad for putting her through it all.

I must have made it very obvious, but Nine noticed that i seemed off, then asked me.

1989: Are you ok, my baby?

Midnights: I don't think so.

I really wasn't, and there was no use in denying it. So i just admitted it.

1989: Why, my love?

The second she said that, i broke down in tears.

Midnights: I-i don't know, Nine, I've been trying so hard to be better but i just feel like it's no use at all.

I explained, as Nine wrapped her arms around my waist and i lied my head on her shoulder.

Midnights: I feel so dirty, Nine, i look like a mess my life is a mess and i can only hurt you, Lover and everyone around me.

1989: Aww, poor baby.

Nine said, soothing my back and gently rocking me side to side.

Midnights: I'm so tired, Nine.

1989: Well, babylove why don't we dry those tears, run you a warm bath and then go to sleep together?

I nodded swiftly as she led us out of my bedroom. Or what was supposed to be my bedroom.

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