Who is he?

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                Mommy look little Aiden run towards his mom with a flower in his hands, he love bringing her flowers, regardless of what type it is, if it a beautiful flower he will pick it up and brought it to her, he believe that it is meant for mommy because mommy is pretty she deserves pretty flowers, but this one was poison ivy, and it was itching him like crazy, nothing pretty about that, so whenever Aiden saw a mean person he would say something like look at that pretty flower but they poisoned like the ivy, Maria would laugh because his innocent little mind couldn't even comprehend what he just said but his does understand there good and bad people, and that all that matter for her, her sweet little boy, a part of him the man that she love, a man that she try to forget about but somehow she couldn't get her mind to erase, she hate him then why she keep on thinking about him, but deep down she know why, it because she never stop loving him.

           However, years later, fate brings the two broken souls who were split apart by the evilness of others back together. How is it their fault that they love each other so much, the way they do, or that their hearts are intertwined? The two Ms, was they nicknamed throughout high school, had a love so strong and profound that even the universe couldn't watch it all go to waste. Years later, here in this hospital, Maria is reuniting with her lover and her son. It seems simple, but the challenges they face are formidable.

           Her sweet son who brought her flowers is no longer a little boy but a man, and the man she spent all her time hating is lying there in this room surrounded by equipment that will allow him to survive. Maria could only feel a bond through them both, but she was unable to recall any of them.

             Maria stares at the man lying there, wanting to run her hands over his gorgeous face. She has met a lot of people, but none have ever made an impression on her like the way he does. How can someone be so attractive with all of this equipment attached to his body, and yet his condition cannot overshadow his beauty? His gray hair, which falls down the side of his head, accentuates his handsome face so beautifully. Her body feels tangled.

           she need to get out of here before she does something she will regret, but yet her body wouldn't move, she didn't want to move, she was ask to look over him so that what she doing nothing wrong with it, nothing wrong with wanted to touch a patient, right, what the hell Maria get a grip woman, stop acting like a teenager in heat.

       She decided to sit down beside him, and before she could even stop herself, she grabbed his hand. Just like she felt that hugging the young man was the right thing to do, so she feels that what she is doing right now is also good for him. He seems so vulnerable, and she wants to tell him a lot of things, but she is unable to do so because she doesn't know him at all.

          She was raised by a single mother and never married, so she can't possibly be comfortable around this man and that young man on a personal level. Nevertheless, she wants to be there for them and feel a connection with them because, for the first time in her 35 years of life, she feels that way about a stranger who isn't her mother.

           She had no idea how long she would stay there, but that didn't matter; her only concern was learning more about the two men who had just entered her life.

            She keeps asking, "Who is he? Who are those people?" Despite her foggy mind, her heart seems to be telling her that she knows them, but how can she when those two appear wealthy and she appears to have struggled her entire life?
          Aside from a Cinderella-like incident, she doesn't have an evil stepmother or evil stepsister; instead, all she has is a dream in which she gets into a car accident. She keeps asking her mother about it, but all she ever says is that it's all in her head.
Is it when all she keeps on having is the same dream but different story but all of them seem connected.

   Even when she wants to run away from it all, the dream never stops chasing her. It feels mysterious, and each dream element is a puzzle piece that must fit together to form a picture, but every time she approaches the solution, she wakes up and it has faded to black.

     She turns to face the man lying beside her in this bed, letting her hands fall down his face. He seems so content, so good. All she wants to do is kiss him on the lips in the hopes that he will wake up. She wants to see his eyes, those eyes that haunt her dreams like nightmares, but all she can see is a faded face with bright hazel green eyes. She wants him to open his eyes, because if they are the same eyes she keeps seeing in her dreams, then there must be a connection between her and this man.

       She turned to face the young man who was standing there with his friend when he entered. She did a close inspection of his eyes, which are the same hazel green eyes as the ones she had in her dreams, but it couldn't be him because he is way too young to be the faded face man.

          The young man asks , "Are you okay? You seem lost." "No, I'm fine. I was just making sure the evil lady didn't get in." "Well, now that you're back, I'm going to leave."

         Maria released the man's hand, not even realizing she was still holding him. She got up, ready to leave the room and never look back, because she could feel her heart heaving and it was becoming more difficult for her to stay here. All she wanted to do was get out of there.

           Thank you the young man smile at her, it mean a lot to me, my name is Adrian, that my best friend Jack, and my Dad Micheal, we really appreciate your kindness, he look down at me, smiling brightly, that smile did something to me, I feel like it not every day he does it, so it mean a lot to me.

           No issue, young man. My name is Maria, Ask for Maria  if you need assistance, I'll be here to assist you. I'll now take my leave.

         Maria, he whispered, "My mom's name is Maria." He looked up at me as though he was trying to read me. I wish I was his mother, but we don't really know each other well, so how can I be his mother?

    I feel more perplexed than ever as I leave the room who are those people, and who is his mother?

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