Chapter 2: Grey

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After what feels like hours but was really just 20 minutes, Cole finally enters his room with a pizza box, about time, I was starting to think he got into a car accident.

"Did they get my side right?" I asked Cole. He lifted the top of the pizza box and peeked inside, "Yup, and they gave you extra bacon too."

My mouth was practically Niagara Falls when he said that, "Really? Did they charge for extra?" I asked, I hoped they didn't because I hated spending Coles money, even though he was rich, I never asked for extra bacon.

"Yes, they did." he gave a grin. It was his signature goofy grin he did when he was fibbing.

"You got me extra bacon?" I pouted slightly, why was he being so nice today?

"Of course, I know how much you like it and you've had a rough day." He smiles and ruffles my hair.

I smirk swat his hand away and fix my hair. "Thanks.." I mumble, feeling guilty he spent more money than he should've.

"Audreyyy" Cole says in a knowing voice, "I don't mind paying an extra $3 so you can have your extra bacon." He rolls his eyes. I always wondered how he does that. How he reads me like a book.

"I'll pay you back." I mutter and take a bite of my pizza, immediately pleased by the taste, my stomach practically vacuuming it down my throat from starving all day.

"No you won't." Cole chuckles and flicks the tv on.

"I thought we were doing schoolwork?" I question.

"Later, we always watch tv when we get pizza." He says as he looks through Netflix.

"What are we gonna watch? We've already seen like everything."

"Dunno." Cole shrugs "Maybe they added a new show or something."

"Maybe." I say, my words muffled by my pizza.

As I sit behind Cole and chew my pizza I observe him try look for a movie to watch. I have this problem where I zone out and daydream, it's really bad. I didn't even realize I was doing it until Cole took a bite of his pizza. Shit. I was staring at his side profile for god knows how long.

But for some reason I didn't look away..

Had he always been this handsome or was I just appreciative he got me extra bacon on my pizza?

No.. He was so handsome, my eyes flickered over his features, I knew it was wrong to find my best friend attractive but I just couldn't help it. I was starting to see what the other girls at school saw...

I couldn't help but find his jawline incredibly attractive, had it always been that way? No.. when we were kids he had a double chin, when did he get a jawline so sharp it could cut someone?

"Hey I found something." Cole turned to look back at me, I looked away quickly and cleared my throat.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" I asked and my eyes flicked to the screen.

"It says it was just added."

"Cole no." I said firmly "We are not watching that. No way."

"What? Have you seen it? What's it about??" He pressed on. Was he being for real? Had no one ever told him what Fifth Shades of Grey was about??

"No.. No I haven't seen it." Lie. "But I've read the books, It's borderline pornographic."



"There's nothing else to watch though."

"Rewatch something."

"I don't want to."

"Well we aren't watching that."

"Why not?"

"Because.." I knew it was pointless arguing with this guy. "Fine. Put it on. But so help me god Cole you're gonna feel so awkward when certain scenes come up, and I'm gonna laugh at you." I gave a smug look.

"I highly doubt that."

"We'll see about that." I chuckled quietly. I'm not even gonna lie I was totally ready to see his tomato red face when the sex scenes popped up. Somehow I wished I had popcorn to go with my pizza.

The movie began like any other romance movie. For the most part I watched it until about the middle of the movie when it got to the VERY mature scenes, and oh boy I wish you could've seen Cole's face. Red. Like a damn cherry, in fact if there was anything redder than a cherry that's what he looked like. I giggling quietly to myself at his reaction. "Told you." I whispered and gave him a complacent grin.

"It's not even that bad." Cole tried to sound casual as he wipes the pizza grease off his hands and put the pizza box on his night stand.

"Your cheeks say otherwise." I snickered

"Shut up."

"Nope. I told you you'd get all awkward. We can still shut it offfff~" I sung.

"No need to. I've seen worse."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah, I forgot you're a boy. You watch porn."

He scoffed and looked back at me "What?? I don't what are you on?"

"It's normal Cole chill."

He gave a dissatisfied glare, but mostly he was just embarrassed, "Okay fine I do but it's only like once a month."

I laughed.

"I'm being honest."

"Okay I believe you." I smirked. I had no reason to not believe him, he's never lied to me in all of the years that we've been friends, and I don't think he ever would.

The movie finished, nothing else really happened with him. I honestly don't think he could have turned any redder than he was, but I swore, just out of the corner of my eye, I saw his pants tent.

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