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Drew was in her shared room in the orphanage where she lives. She shares a room with four other girls in the orphanage so nothing is really private unless you hide it somewhere only you know. Which is what Drew did. 

The shared room is small and has wooden panels on the walls, one large window at the back of the room with a window seat and next to it a bookshelf full of books and on top are pencils and notebooks. On the left wall is one bunk bed that belongs to two of the four girls Annie and Jenna. On the right wall is the other bunk bed which belongs to Drew and another girl named Riley. Annie and Riley sleep on the top bunks while Jenna and Drew sleep on the bottom ones. Annie's blanket has flowers, Jenna's has a colorful marble pattern, Riley's has clouds on it and it's a sky blue color, and Drew's is just plain black with a gray pillowcase. In the middle of the room is a light blue colored rug that's in the shape of a circle. On the side of the room where the door to get in is there is a small closet with their clothes in it. On each wall near the bunk beds there is a small dresser and both girls on each side of the room share. 

Currently Jenna is taking a nap and Annie and Riley went to hang out with friends from school as it was summer and they don't get to see their friends as much. Drew was laying down on her bunk just looking up at the one above her deep in thought. She grabs a baseball and throws it in the air and catches it. Over and over again just thinking. Drew is about five foot two with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a flannel hoodie and black ripped jeans with some beat up red converse sneakers. 

She sighs and looks over at Jenna who's still sleeping. Drew gets up and swings her legs over the side of her bed and rests her elbows on her knees holding the baseball in her hand spinning it around looking at the floor. She stands up and walks over to her black backpack that has outlines of red on the handle and straps and pockets. She kneels down and opens it revealing lots of stolen things such as jewelry, watches, and cash that she's taken from people's wallets. She glances over at Jenna to make sure she is still sleeping then she turns back to the things in her bag. She grabs the cash and walks over to her bed lifting the mattress and putting the cash in a bag she has hidden under it then putting the mattress back down quietly. Then she walks over closes it and puts her backpack on slinging it over one shoulder then opening the door and walking out of the room and the orphanage director Ms. Hope sees her coming down the stairs and smiles. 

"Hi Drew!" She says happily walking towards her. "Where are you going?" She asks curiously.

"Just out with some friends." Drew replies lying.

"Oh! Alright have fun! Also I wanted to let you know, your school is taking a trip to Abu Dhabi  next week and I thought if you wanted to go I could sign you up, I think it could help take your mind off of things, you know?"

"Uh, sure, could be fun I guess." 

"Oh great! I'll call the school and tell them to sign you up, and don't worry I'll pay for you to go." 

"Thanks." Drew says and walks out of the door. She puts her hood up and walks down the street towards the pawn shop she visits to try to sell the stuff in her bag. She opens the door and the bell rings as she walks in and the cashier Mark smiles when he sees her. 

"Hey Drew, back so soon?" He asks smiling as Drew walks up to the counter taking her bag off and placing it on the counter.

"Been busy." She says opening her backpack and taking out an expensive watch a few rings and earrings. 

"I can tell." He says putting his glasses on and taking a closer look at the items. Drew looks around the small shop that she's been in more times than she can count. It's small with a glass display on the counter full of watches and jewelry, on the back wall there is stuff like paddles for boating and signs on the walls advertising certain items in the shop. "Where did you get this stuff?" He asks looking back at Drew.

"Does it matter?"

"No, I guess not." He says chuckling. "But you're gonna get yourself in a lotta trouble, you keep this up."

"Time will tell." Drew replies.

"I can give you five-hundred for everything in cash right now."

"Great, that works for me." Drew says and Mark opens the cash register and hands her five one-hundred dollar bills.

"There you go kid, pleasure doing business with you."

"Oh, I'll be back." She replies stuffing the cash into her pocket and slinging her bag back over her shoulder after zipping it back up again. 

"I'm counting on it." Mark replies as Drew walks out of the store. She walks back down the street and back into the orphanage and Ms. Hope sees her walk in.

"Back so soon?" She asks setting the table.

"Oh uh yeah, my friend had a doctor appointment, so I had to leave early." Drew replies.

"Oh, alright, I called the school by the way, they signed you up for the trip." 

"Awesome." Drew replies sarcastically but not enough to where Ms. Hope can hear the sarcasm in her voice. Drew then walks back up the old stairs and into the shared bedroom to be greeted with Jenna who's now awake and on her phone. Drew walks over to her bunk and sets her back down beside it then sits down on her bed. 

"Ms. Hope tell you about the school trip?" Jenna asks turning her phone off and sitting up in her bed. 

"Yeah she did, I said sure, mainly just to make her happy and to get away from here for a bit." Drew replies sitting down on her bed and resting her elbows on her knees again looking at Jenna. "How was your nap?" Drew asks in a mocking tone.

"Oh shut up." Jenna says groaning and throwing her pillow at Drew, making Drew dodge it and laugh. Drew picks up the pillow and throws it back at her causing Jenna to laugh as well. 

"What'd you do today that made you so tired anyway?" Drew asks still chuckling.

"I went to the beach with some friends." 

"That's why you're so tired? Jeez you city girls are lazy." Drew says chuckling.

"Oh be quiet. We didn't grow up in a barn or wherever you came from!" Jenna exclaims laughing.

"I'm from the suburbs a few hours away from here, and for your information we didn't have a barn." She pauses. "My grandparents did." She says smiling. 

"So you did work in a barn!" Jenna says pointing at her like she solved a mystery. 

"No, I've been in a barn, I may have stacked some hay bales here and there but that's not really working." 

"That's bullshit." Jenna says.

"Whatever, believe what you want." Drew says chuckling.

Meanwhile in Amsterdam Ethan Hunt has just received the message to find the keys and that he needs to find them and his friend IIsa Faust. Ethan finishes the message and head on his way to where he thinks IIsa could be. In the Arabian Desert. Ethan makes it there and he spy's on the bounty hunters that are after IIsa. He finds her and signals to her with the light from the sun reflecting off of a compass. Just then the bounty hunters see him and start shooting at him as he moves down the sand dune and gets on his horse and rides to the building IIsa is in. Inside the building IIsa is shooting down the bounty hunters that are shooting at Ethan. Ethan along with the bounty hunters get off their horses and head inside the buildings as a sand storm comes. Ethan turns around and starts shooting at them with his pistol then gets out his other gun and starts shooting them with that. The bounty hunters start shooting at IIsa and she goes and grabs her other gun and shoots them down. Ethan then grabs his pistol and holds it out in case he needs to shoot someone as he enters the same room that IIsa is in and he finds her dead laying on the ground.

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