Chapter Three

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Sophie's POV

I was sitting against Calla's tree regretting everything I did yesterday.  I think about apologizing when Edaline walks over with a sad smile. She's holding a small silver square.

"Mom? What's going on?" I inquire

"I was going to check on you and I saw your imparter was buzzing." She holds it out for me.

I take it in my palm and see who's hailing me. "No... I don't want to talk to him" I groan "Hunny it might be an emergency please just answer him." Edaline pleads "Fine..."

I answer the call to see Ro on the other end. "Ro? Is everything okay what's going on?" I ask

"You should probably come over..." Ro sighs. "Sulky boy accidentally used his commander ability on me and now he's mumbling about running away" "On my way" I say sadly

Edaline who has been listening in on the conversation warns me "Don't do anything you will regret cause this Sophie sulk is driving me crazy" "Sophie sulk?" I stand straightening my shirt as I head towards the cliffs"Yeah whenever your all mopey dopey me and Grady call it Sophie Sulk." I jump as I scream goodbye.

I picture Shores of Solace as clearly as I can in my head as the void cracks open allowing me through. I land on my butt. "Man I gotta get better at these landings" I say rubbing my bottom.

I stand and walk over to the big door in front of the beach house. I knock expecting To to answer but I see Lord Cassius. Keefe's father. "Hello Cassius" I sigh "I hear we have an angsty teen who needs saving" Cassius glares at me "I have not heard about this so why should I believe you" " because ro hailed me begging me to come over because he's going to run away again" I say pushing past him.

I sprint up the stairs and into Keefe's room. I open the door and run over to his bed where he is strapped down by a surprisingly strong rope. "Keefe...I'm really sorry about how I walked away I was just scared to admit my feeling I didn't think this would happen but you can control this don't worry we'll get through this together." I blurt

Keefe smirks one of his famous smirks "So you admit you love the amazing Lord Hunkyhair?" "Yes I'm sorry I didn't tell you before please don't run away I need you" I beg "You NEED me huh?"

"Yes just please don't run away"


"Thank you. I'm...I'm sorry about Skiey I saw how much you loved her..."

"Nah it was about time she dumped me. To be honest there's been someone else I've been wanting to get together with."

"Really?" I suck on a breath hoping for it to be me as I ask the scary question "Who?"

"Hmm let's see. She's blond. A telepath along with a bunch of other things. She doesn't deserve to have such an awful life and she just admitted she loves me"




"The... What?"

I look at the time. " Oh shit I was supposed to be home 10 minutes ago I gotta go. We shall talk about us later" I say basically sprinting out the door and off a cliff

As I glitter back into the property I see that Grady is waiting for me at the door. I mutter a few words I shouldn't have said before walking over.


"ten ten." I mumble


"keefe's house..."

"YOU WERE UP LATE AT THAT BOYS HOUSE. WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO. YOU BETTER NOT HAVE-" "DAD I'm 16 we didn't do that... I had to convince him not to run away from us again. His ability is bothering him again and he just got dumped by his girlfriend so he needs support right now" I argue "Well you could have called me and told me what had happened instead of worrying me to death." "I told mom before I left" I mumble

"Oh...Well you still could have told me."

I yawn "I'm really tired can I head to bed" "Of course kiddo just be more careful next time. Goodnight" "Goodnight"

I head to my huge bedroom and sit on my bed thinking about what will happen between me and Keefe.

Then my mom walks in to tuck me in.
"Sweetheart you were home a little late" She says with a knowing smile

"Well some stuff happend" I say knowing damn well I was blushing hard and that edaline knew it
"What stuff" I sigh and lean back on my bed "Boy stuff" "Oooo I like bit stuff. Did you guys confess your love for eachother. I've known you guys would end up together since forever" She squeels as she says the last part.

"Wow I bet I was the last one to find out wasn't I?" "YEP"

"I'm gonna have to have the talk with Dad arn't I?". "Yep and he will make it unbearable"

I groan as I let Edaline tuck me in "Don't worry sweetheart I'll help you through it. And after you will have a boyfriend to go complain to" she say smiling "Ugh this is gonna be worse then I had imagined isn't it"Oh your father drove Jolie insane" She says sadly

"Hey don't worry mom. Goodnight I love you" "Love you to kiddo" "LOVE YOU" Grady calls from downstairs

I start to drift off to sleep but can't stop thinking about Keefe. So I do what any desperate teenage girl would do. Transmit into his brain

Ok now to make a decision should there be different styles for transmiting. I don't remember what I did earlier. So pretty much it would be  blah blah and blah blah this is tots based off your opinion so I have no say. For now they will be the same.

Foster? Is that you?
Yeah are you awake?
Duh what's up
I can't sleep without asking this. What are we now
Well if you want we could be bf and gf or we could stay close friend. But I would def prefer to be bf gf
Ok me too. Goodnight Hunkyhair
Goodnight foster. Love you

I cut the connection and sit there smiling up to my ceiling. "I have a boyfriend" I say as I fall asleep.

1011 words!? That's more then I've ever written. So you guys just have to decide how I'll do the telepathic stuff. I decided to add some swearing but only light stuff. I'll never use like the F word I don't think just light swearing like damn or shit. If you don't like that I'm open for suggestions. Probably won't post again for a while so ttyl


P.S yo I just went back to read over it and I realized you can't really comment so I'm gonna try and find out how to fix it but otherwise sorry

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