Chapter 10: Homecoming Shadows 🌌🏠

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Sofia: Age, 23

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Sofia: Age, 23

I jolted awake, gasping as the remnants of a nightmare clung to me. The vivid memory of Maria's lifeless eyes was seared into my mind, leaving me breathless. I wiped away my tears, realizing with a start that I had fallen asleep in the car. The engine had been running softly, its purring a deceptive lullaby that had coaxed me into a fitful slumber. I glanced out the window, the grand silhouette of the manor emerging against the first light of dawn.

The manor loomed ahead, its imposing structure casting long shadows across the driveway. As I stepped out of the car, the cold morning air hit me with an unsettling chill. It was as if the manor was aware of my return, its grandeur now feeling more like a prison than a sanctuary.

I walked up to the front door, where the familiar scent of polished wood and lavender greeted me. Mrs. Thompson, the housekeeper who had been a steadfast presence in my life, noticed me immediately. Her eyes softened with relief and concern. "Sofia, you're home!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and warmth.

Before I could respond, she enveloped me in a tight embrace. Her hug was a fleeting comfort amidst the storm of emotions that had been swirling inside me. "Thank you, Mrs. Thompson," I whispered, my voice trembling.

"I've missed you," she said quietly. "It's been hard here without you."

"I've missed you too," I replied, trying to steady my voice. "It's strange to be back. Everything feels so different."

As Mrs. Thompson excused herself to attend to other tasks, I decided to surprise Leo, the manor's gardener, who had always been a friend and confidant. I found him working in the garden, his back turned as he meticulously tended to the rose bushes. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the blooming flowers, creating a picturesque scene that was both comforting and nostalgic.

I crept up behind him and called out softly, "Guess who's back?"

Leo looked up, his face lighting up with a broad smile as he turned around. "Sofia! It's great to see you!"

We shared a warm hug, and I could see the genuine happiness in his eyes. "I didn't mean to startle you. How have you been?" I asked, taking in the familiar surroundings of the garden.

"It's been busy around here," Leo said, wiping his hands on his apron. "The garden hasn't been the same without your presence. It's good to see you back."

"I've missed this place," I admitted. "I've been studying fashion design abroad, and it feels strange to be home after such a long time."

Leo's eyes widened with interest. "Fashion design, huh? That's exciting! How's it been going?"

"It's been a whirlwind," I said with a small smile. "The coursework was intense, and juggling design projects with theoretical studies was challenging. But I've loved every moment of it. I feel like I've learned so much and grown as a designer."

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