The plate of food

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Yuki POV

The past few weeks I've been observing Ryu-kun and he sure has changed a lot. The determined kid who wanted to make his parents proud seemingly disappeared. He would nap a lot in class or use his phone. But he did it tactically, he would rest his forehead on his hands with his textbook on the table, so it looks like he's looking down at the book, and the teacher cannot see whether his eye's are open or not. On top of that the days he stays awake in class aren't random. All the classes he stays awake for are usually mock test reviews or final revision lessons. He probably knows the teacher will subconsciously reveal bits of what will be on the actual tests. And it showed in his grades, he was never top of the cohort, that was usually occupied by Alisa-san, but he was usually in the top 20, scoring more than 85 for all his subjects. He may be a bit more lazy now but he definitely wasn't stupid.

In physical education class when we played team sports. He would always be one of the more valuable players. I can tell he's an expert in studying body language and can adapt easily to every sport.

Socially he never really talks to anyone. Only speaking when spoken to, I also notices he rarely maintains eye contact for more than 2 seconds. Girls think its because he's stoic and cool but that's not it. He's socially awkward, and gets flustered when talking to others especially girls. But in the one group presentation we had so far I noticed he subtly steered the discussions towards his own ideas which always ended up being the best one.

My conclusion from my stalki- I mean observation of Ryu-kun is that he's the same person just with slightly less drive and slightly different mannerisms. But he's still very much the flustered boy who I watched play football. 


After a boring morning of classes it was finally lunch. I took my plate of omurice and scanned the area for a place to sit.

Man I should've left earlier

"Yo! Ryu over here!" 

I turn and see Hondo sat by himself at a 4 person table. I guess out of everyone in school I would consider him one of my friends. The only other one being Souo-san maybe.

I next to him at the table. I look at his plate which had a salmon fillet, 2 tempura, 1 bowl of cold soba and 300 grams of rice

"Isn't that a lot of food Hondo?" I deadpan

"We're footballers, we burn a lot of energy every match. This is just refuel for yesterday's match. I should be asking you why there's just a small portion of omurice on your plate" Hondo said before eating with gusto

"I'm not that hungry." I say taking a spoonful of food

"Speaking of yesterday's match. For the final play when you got the second ball, why didn't you just boot it up the pitch to me? Instead you wasted time to dribble up the pitch." Hondo asked through mouthfuls of food

"We were 5-0 up. 3 of the goals scored by you. But all 3 were assisted by me. The other team were thinking in that final play that I would attempt a hailmary pass to you. I could tell as their teams central midfielder was also running behind you. So I dribbled up the pitch, to create some doubt as to whether I would pass to you or not. With doubt comes hesitation, their midfielder didn't know whether to mark you or Mikage-senpai. That hesitation gave me an opening to give you a trivella pass allowing you to score the 4th goal." I explain 

Hondo nodded in understanding 

"Wow I didn't know there was so much thought involved in football." I hear someone say

"Oh Masachika! You're awake for once." Hondo said recognising the new person

"Don't say it like that. But is there anyone sitting here, the canteen sure is busy today." Masachika said rubbing the back of his head

The secret degenerate otaku brocon falls in love(Yuki suou x male oc)Where stories live. Discover now