When he saves you

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Quick A/N before we jump into this scenario I just would like to inform you all this part will be in the READER's (your) POV, how exciting! So please as always please enjoy, vote, comment, and share with your friends. :3



I was trapped here in Chase's Palace with no way out. Every time I tried to escape his jungle cats or Chase himself would catch me. I was wondering how Omi was doing, I missed him a lot even though it hasn't been that long since I last saw him. The only reason Chase kidnapped me was to force Omi to join him, like that would ever happen. That was when I heard a voice of a certain big headed and adorably short monk that I'm very fond of. "Chase Young you shall release (Y/n) or your butt will be kicked!" Omi shouted pointing a finger at Chase as I smiled. Omi and our friends came to rescue me from Chase. "You mean kick your butt Omi." Raimundo said correcting Omi. "That too!" Omi said before going off fighting Chase. After a while Omi beat Chase and soon enough came running to me open arms. "Ohhh (Y/n) I have missed you so very much, I was worried when I couldn't find you." Omi said while sniffling like a little kid as he hugged me and I happily returned it helping him calm down. With that we all left together heading back to the temple.

Clay Bailey:

So here I am, sitting inside a cage in Jack's "Lab" feeling like a bird. I let out an annoyed sigh because this was the SECOND time Jack has kidnapped me. "You know you're gonna be in big trouble once they come to save me." I said looking at the supposed evil boy genius as he lifted his goggles up onto his forehead. "What's gonna happen, your big cowboy boyfriend gonna lasso me in a scary rope?" I glared at Jack who was making fun of Clay, if I wasn't in this cage I would kicked him into next week. "No, I'm gonna give ya a beat down for taking my girlfriend." Clay grabbed Jack by the collar of his jacket as I smiled seeing Clay came to save me again from Jack. A cloud of dust picked up as Clay started to beat up Jack and when the dust was gone I saw Jack on the ground passed out as Clay came walking to the cage  while dusting his hands off together. Clay broke the door open for me as I ran over and tackled him into a hug. I was really worried about him after he got knocked out. "Come on (Y/n), lets get ya back home little lady." Clay said placing his hat on my head as we walked out holding hands.


I was nervous, I was completely helpless as I couldn't do anything in this situation.  Chase Young wanted me to make this old medicine potion that's suppose to be able to heal any type of injury the body has sustained in a matter of seconds. I refused to make the potion for him and now I'm in a corner of a room with three angry jungle cats while Chase went who knows where. I was praying that Raimundo would burst in any second to save me from being jungle cat food as I covered my head with my arms and closed my eyes. All of a sudden I heard the door bust opened and felt a rush of wind.  I felt myself being lifted up as I went to hit the person picking me up thinking it was Chase until the voice didn't match the person. "Ow, geez (Y/n) is this the thanks your boyfriend gets for saving you?" I blinked to make sure I wasn't seeing things as it was really Raimundo who just saved me and I hugged his neck. "I'm sorry, I panicked. I thought Chase came back. Thank you, thank you, thank you." I said giving Raimundo a kiss on the check. Raimundo's face turned pink as he turned to leave where everyone was waiting for us with no intension of putting me down. I was able to finally go back home safely with my knight and shining armor.

Jack Spicer:

If these Xiaolin losers didn't tie me up I would of kicked there butts already or even better I could have gotten the hell out of here and straight back to Jack. The monks kept on asking me questions that I found pointless and didn't answer a single one. "Alright (Y/n) either you can do this the difficult way or the simple way and mayybee we'll let you go." Omi said completely messing it up. "You mean the easy way or hard way Omi." Raimundo said hitting his face with his hand at how stupid Omi can be sometimes. "Oh I'm much sorry." Omi said once again not saying the right thing as I watched Raimundo and Omi argue. I sighed as a wondered what was taking Jack so long to come and save me from this annoying situation. As if on cue a bunch of Jack-bots appeared as the monks went to fight them as I didn't see Jack anywhere. That was when I noticed I wasn't tied up any more looking behind me to see my evil boy genius smiling at me. The both of us ran off as the monks were too focused on the bots. "It's about time you got here." I said as we hopped into the hovercraft as Jack scratched his forehead lightly. "Y-yeah sorry about the wait babe. At least we can go home now." Jack said as he started to drive back home as I nodded with a smile happy to be back with my partner in crime.

Chase Young:

I let out a low growl as I kicked the glass I was trapped in. Chase left me to sleep while he went wu hunting and now here I am having to look at my father's ugly bean of a face. "Oh don't be like that my little (Y/n), you're safe now." I got mad when he tried to act like an actual father protecting his little girl. "I'm not little and I didn't need any saving until YOU kidnapped me!" I yelled at banging on the glass wanting out. My father Hannibal Bean lightly laughed at my failed attempt to get out. Right when I was close to giving up and missing Chase Jungle cats started to surround Hannibal as Chase stood between two. "You're to release (Y/n) and give her back or I shall take her back with force." Chase said glaring at my father as it looked like Hannibal wasn't going to let up that easily. So after a very harsh fight and Hannibal getting beat up by a pissed off and over protective boyfriend Chase came over to me. Chase broke the glass with ease compared to me who had a difficult time, but that doesn't matter I was saved. "He didn't hurt you did he?" Chase asked me as he looked me over to make sure I didn't have any injuries. I smiled at how worried Chase was about my safety as I shook my head in a "no" manner making him relax. "Let us head home my queen." Chase said to me taking my hand as he kissed the top before leading the way as I walked with him face slightly blushing and his cats followed behind us.

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