The Great Distraction Revolution

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Trixie and Pharynx were in the middle of a rather heated moment in her cozy little caravan. The atmosphere was charged with tension and excitement as they whispered fiercely to each other, their faces close, breaths mingling. Trixie’s mane was a mess, tangled from their passionate exchanges, and Pharynx’s usually stern expression was softened, though his eyes still held that fiery intensity.

Just as Trixie was about to pull Pharynx in for another kiss, she heard familiar voices outside. Panic quickly set in as she realized it was Starlight and Maud, heading straight for her caravan.

“Someone’s coming!” Trixie hissed, her eyes wide with alarm.

Pharynx raised an eyebrow, completely unbothered. “So? Let them see.”

“Are you insane? It’s Starlight! And Maud! They can’t see you here like this!” Trixie frantically looked around for an escape plan.

Before Pharynx could protest, Trixie grabbed him by the shoulders, dragged him to the window, and with surprising strength, shoved him out. Pharynx landed on his hooves with a grunt, barely managing to avoid making too much noise as he disappeared into the bushes just in time.

The door of the caravan swung open, and Starlight and Maud walked in. Trixie, trying to act casual, quickly started fiddling with her mane, which was now more tangled than ever. Her lips were slightly swollen from her recent "activity," and her cheeks were flushed. She did her best to compose herself as the two mares stepped inside.

“Trixie, we were looking for you!” Starlight said cheerfully, though she paused when she noticed Trixie’s disheveled appearance. “Um… is everything okay? You look… a little… messy?”

Maud, with her usual deadpan expression, simply blinked at Trixie. “Your mane looks like you’ve been in a windstorm.”

Trixie, thinking quickly, ran her hooves through her tangled hair and forced a laugh. “Oh, this? Just… um… a little mishap! You know how it is. The Great and Powerful Trixie was… bitten by a bug!”

Starlight raised an eyebrow, glancing at Trixie’s swollen lips. “A bug?”

“Yes! A bug! A big one! Very… uh… persistent!” Trixie continued, waving her hooves dramatically. “But Trixie managed to… um… swat it away. No big deal!”

Maud’s gaze remained as unblinking as ever. “Your lips look like they’ve been stung.”

“Yes, yes, that’s exactly what happened!” Trixie said, nodding vigorously. “It was a very… passionate bug!”

Starlight and Maud exchanged a glance, both clearly skeptical but choosing not to press the matter further. They decided to chalk it up to Trixie being, well, Trixie.

Meanwhile, Pharynx, who had snuck back to the Hive after his undignified exit, was trying to compose himself. He walked into the main chamber, where Thorax was casually lounging on a throne of plush leaves.

Thorax looked up and immediately noticed Pharynx’s slightly ruffled appearance. His brother’s usually immaculate demeanor was a bit off—his armor was a tad askew, and he had a slightly dazed look on his face.

“Pharynx, where were you?” Thorax asked, his curiosity piqued.

Pharynx scowled, clearly not wanting to explain. “None of your business.”

Thorax grinned knowingly, leaning forward with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “You were with Trixie, weren’t you?”

Pharynx’s scowl deepened, but he didn’t answer directly. “I said, it’s none of your business.”

Thorax chuckled, enjoying his brother’s discomfort. “I didn’t think you were the type to get bitten with love, Pharynx.”

Pharynx’s glare could have melted steel, but he remained silent, refusing to give Thorax the satisfaction of an answer. He turned sharply on his hoof and marched off, leaving Thorax to laugh quietly to himself. He could only imagine what kind of chaos Trixie and Pharynx had gotten into this time, but one thing was for sure—his brother was smitten, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

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