The magic Stuff

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"Dinner is ready..."
A soft whisper wakes you up. Your eyes flatter open and see Stefani sitting on the side of your bed, slowly caressing your arm with a smile.
"Good morning..." you mumble, but instantly feel your head pounding. "Oh fuck, I'll never drink again..."
Stefani chuckles at your reaction before she whispers again.
"You wanna get dressed and come down for dinner?"
She quickly presses a soft kiss on your hairline and leaves your room.

You get out of bed and slowly put on a wide shirt and shorts. You get downstairs, where your father and Stefani already sit at the table.
"Hey, sober again?" she asks with a laugh.
"I really want to die."
"Stefani made you something for your hangover." Your father says and points at a glass next to your already filled plate.

You sit on your chair and immediately chug the whole glass down. It instantly helps.
"You have to tell me what this is, this stuff is fucking magic." You mumble.
"Maybe I will tell you one day." the blonde woman answers with a wink.
After that you look at your plate and see Stefani's Spaghetti Carbonara. You eat the first bite and throw your head back with a smile.
"Oh my God Stefani, I can't tell you how much I missed your cooking!" You say.
She chuckles and all of you continue eating. After dinner you get back to your room and sleep again after a short time.

The next morning you get up early because you have to work again. You take your phone and smile, finally you have a good morning text again. Stefani will be at Hauslabs too, but later in the day.

You get to work, paint for a few hours and then get out for a cigarette together with Sam.
"You seem like you're feeling better, so drinking away your problems helped?" she asks.
"Yes, absolutely!" You answer, without mentioning what really happened to make you feel better again.
You continue talking to her until you hear a voice behind you.
"Good morning girls."
"Good morning Miss Gaga." Sam says with a smile.
You turn to her and see that she doesn't look too happy.
"Good morning." You say with a confused undertone.
Her eyes stare directly into yours and she speaks in a sharp voice.
"You get to my office in 10 minutes. Be there on time."
Then she just passes the two of you and gets inside.

"Wow. What did you do?" Sam asks you.
"I have no clue.."
"Maybe you should've been nicer to her when you painted her. I mean, she's the big boss here and the mood in your room was like stepping right into hell."
"Maybe... I really don't know what's her problem..." you mumble.
You smoke the rest of your cigarette and nervously make your way to the door of Stefani's office.

You knock once and she opens the door, gesturing you to come inside.
"What's going on?" You ask after she closes the door.
Stefani locks it and turns to you. In a quick movement she grabs your throat and pulls you close to her.
"Are you able to stay silent?" she growls in a low, dominant voice.
"Yes, what?" she demands with a raised eyebrow and you whisper back.
"Yes, Countess..."
A slight smirk settles on her lips before she moves them to your ear.
"Good girl... One little noise and I'll stop."
"Yes Countess..." you whisper.

She smiles, satisfied with your instant submission to her and leads you to her chair.
"On your knees."
Immediately you drop down right in front of it and she sits down on the black leather. Her legs are spread, one on your left, the other one on the right. She leans her body down to you, her hand tightly gripping your chin and making you look at her.
"You are mine baby, and I'll make sure you won't forget that."
Her lips crush into yours and she slowly pulls you up. She opens your pants and moves them down with your underwear in one go.
"Come baby sit on my lap." She whispers and you do.

Your arms wrap around her neck and her hand slides between your legs.
"Mmmhh...already so wet for me...* She whispers, circling your clit.
You bury your head in the curve of her neck, trying hard to suppress any sounds your body wants to make under her touch. She pushes two fingers inside you, caressing your sensitive spot with her thumb.
"My baby likes that?"
You just nod, knowing you would loudly moan if You open up your mouth now.
"Such a good girl. Taking me so good little girl." she continues.
Her fingers thrust inside you faster and faster.

"You're mine...say it...Say you're mine.."
You realize what's going on, look up into her eyes and can't keep yourself from chuckling. Stefani stops her movements with confusion.
"What is so funny?"
"You're jealous."
She pulls her hand away from you.
"You are jealous. Is it about Sam?"
You smirk at her, her expression changes, showing you how right you are.
You love seeing her like this, losing her confidence and being speechless.

You want to tease her even more and are willing to lose the orgasm she was about to give you for that. Before she regains her confidence you get up and put your clothes back on.
"Oh yes Stefani, you are damn jealous. And I won't let you touch me again until you admit that."
"Don't. Do. This." She presses out her mouth.
"I don't know what you mean." You answer innocently "I'll just go smoke a cigarette. With Sam."
"You will pay for this." She growls.
"Really? Where?" You get closer and sharply whisper in her ear "In your office or at home, where my Father is? You have no chance to make me pay, we're never alone."
You kiss her one time before You turn around, leaving her speechless.
"See you" You just say before You unlock the door and leave her office.
'If she finds a way to be alone with me I'm so damn fucked.'

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