
3.1K 96 20

Hello, everyone!

I hope all of you are doing good. So am I.

I would like to tell you something:

As I already mentioned this is my first ever story in Wattpad. I've always been a reader from the past four years. It took me so much time to create a story of myself. Overcoming my nervousness, fear, and insecurity; then finding time to write is not a easy as you think!

Initially I was nervous ass! I was in dilemma of should I write it or not! Does anyone like the story or will someone comment bad? Will I able to complete the story? Will I able to write properly? By writing can I create a balance between my studies and writing? All these were roaming around my mind!

Creating the sequence of events, portraying the characters, expressing their emotions, the conversation etc. is not at all an easy task. It requires a lots of time. So much time even so many times I've sacrificed my sleep! I don't know about other authors, but for me writing a single chapter takes more and more time. Let me be honest, that I a single chapter around 2-3 days! Ofcourse, I need to think about the conversation and how it's connecting the climax and everything. I'm investing so much of my time, energy, sleep and so many outings with my friends just to write this. I hope now you understand how much efforts I take to write.

But I'm not even getting the half of the efforts I take though :(

This book has crossed 150k+ reads! But Votes are not even 10k! Why? Is it too much to ask for? Guys, 150k+ people read it, by clicking the vote is too difficult for you? By doing that do you have anything to Loss? Or Am I not worth of it? Please let me know in comments. If no, then I won't be requesting for votes and comments.

Eternally yours' has crossed 12k+ reads, but not even 1k votes! This is so much demotivating. Guys, by voting you won't get any loss but for me it's some kind of motivation to go on. To believe that someone is liking my story.

I don't have any friends nor I've talked with any. :(

Ugh! I'm not blaming everyone. I've some readers who just made my day with their single comment, their love means lot.❤️

I'm repeating, if you think I'm not worth of your love and support then I won't be requesting for votes and comments.

Thank you

~ Author 🫠

~ 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘛𝘰 𝘉𝘦 𝘏𝘪𝘴 ~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now