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Sarah and I walked to the back of the classroom to take our seat.

"Ok, class! Open page 27! Hali, can you read the text about carbon?" The teacher said as she looked at the boy that sat nearest the window and also sat beside me. I turned to look at him as I started to feel some dejavu. Hali...?

Hali stood up and then read the text. And so on, I tried to pay my attention to the class. But, I just made it out of half of that...


"Ok, that's all for today! Don't forget your homework!" The teacher said as a reminder for the students before leaving the classroom.

"Let's go, Sarah!" I said and Sarah just nodded her head. We then walked out of the classroom and stopped.

"Do you know where we should go?" Sarah asked me, trying to remember the situation we are in.

"Ah... I forgot we're new here," I said as I felt how stupid I am. But, I then noticed that Hali boy walked out from the classroom through the back door and I unconsciously stared at him.

"What are you staring at?" Sarah said but I didn't hear it. She then looked in the same direction that I stared at.

"Why do I feel like I have seen that boy before?" Sarah said as she tried to remember something.

"Wait... remember when Nur and Rai said that there is another one new student? What if he is that new one?" I then looked at Sarah when I realized that she noticed me staring at that boy.

"What is his name again?" Sarah asked me.


"Oh, I remember him now! He's—!" Suddenly, someone bumped into Sarah from behind. I was shocked to see what just happened in front of my eyes.

"Sarah? Are you ok?" I went to her and she already sat down on the floor.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Don't worry, it's just a little bump," she then stood up from the floor as she patted her skirt to remove the dust.

"Ouch...," I turned around to look for where the voice that came from and then I saw a devil girl sitting on the floor as she rubbed her back.

"H-hey... are you ok?" I tried to approach the devil girl but then I heard someone calling out someone's name.

"Duri!" It was another devil girl and she walked toward us.

"What is happening to you, Duri?"

"I accidentally bump into someone,"

"I told you to not run in the corridor. There are a lot of people," I saw her friend trying to help her up. But then, she noticed me. "Are you the one that my friend bumps into?"

I shook my head as no and spoke, "It's my friend, not me," I said as I pointed at Sarah.

She then approached Sarah and said, "Are you ok? Did she cause any or injury to you?"

"No, she's not," Sarah said.

The girl then sighed, "That's good to hear," she then looked at Sarah and me. "I'm Blaze and this is Duri."

"I'm Shara and this is my best friend, Sarah."

"I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" Duri said as she bowed a bit to Sarah.

"E-eh? It's ok. P-please... get up back," Sarah said and I could see her start to feel uncomfortable when Duri bowed a little to her.

Duri looked up and then said, "Really?"

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