Chapter 32

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A/N: And the chapter you've been eagerly waiting for has finally arrived haha! I sincerely hope that you enjoy this chapter. Please note that I did research on this chapter and tried to make said makeshift wedding as accurate as possible—but seeing as I am not Jewish, I also am aware that there may be inaccuracies. Thank you and enjoy!

Chapter Text

Of all the things Ruth Sharpe was certain that the end of the war would bring, her elopement at the hands of her Uncle Yosef was most definitely not on that list. In fact, the mere suggestion nearly sent her into a downward spiral—and Robby seemed to be acutely aware of that fact as he whisked her away to quietly talk that same night. After all, the matter really was just between the two of them and no one else.

It took some real dedication to find a quiet spot where the two of them could just talk, given the festivities that the end of the war had brought. And further given the fact that everyone was going to be up until at least the morning, it would have been surprising to find anywhere that was truly unoccupied.

So they made do with sneaking away to one of the planes and climbing up inside of it. It was a hassle, given her dress and attempting to get her up into the thing—but once she was up there, she could appreciate that this man-made contraption had somehow kept the love of her life and Abe alive for the entirety of the war.

Still, Ruth was struck by the fact that it was impossibly small in the area. It caused a certain sort of claustrophobia as she looked around the plane. "I can't believe you guys spent so much time in these things," Ruth admitted quietly, placing her hand on a dent in the wall of the plane.

"I don't plan on being in these hunks of junk for too much longer," Robby admitted in a reassuring tone.

Even in the dark of the night with the moonlight seeping through and the occasional bursts of colors from the fireworks, Ruth could feel his gaze on her. It was a steadying force, like the beat of a drum keeping the beat of a band. Ruth sank slowly onto the ground, considering his words for a long minute.

A warmth bloomed against her side as Robby sank to sit beside her. "I know this kinda stuff scares you. You don't have to pretend with me," Robby added.

In the depth of her heart, Ruth felt a small flicker of relief. The simple fact of the matter was that something as serious as this was—it did scare her . And not just because it would be her second attempt down the aisle, but because it was with Robby. And she didn't want to screw things up with him in any sort of way, shape, or form.

Maybe it was just bad luck or the way that her life had thus shaped so far. But for whatever reason, Ruth was certain that things just wouldn't work out. That if they were married, he would find some reason or rhyme to hate her and it would be her fault. Why ruin a good thing? Especially when the good thing was shaping up to make them both really happy.

Slowly, Ruth nodded her head. "It's not you that scares me."

Robby silently entwined his hand in hers, tracing over the lines on her palms with his fingers. Every touch and stroke seemed to send lightning jolting through her system. "So what does scare you about it?"

"That—that—" Ruth just let out a huff of air. "That if we do it, then things will suddenly fall apart. I don't have good luck when it comes to relationships anyhow. I just don't want you to suddenly hate me for not—for not being the type of wife that you deserve."

"And what kind of wife do you think that I deserve?"

Ruth nearly snorted at his disbelieving tone. "One who doesn't argue with you. One who—who can give you children, can give you the sort of home life that you want to have one day. One who won't compete with you for work."

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