𝐝𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟖 𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝

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Even when competing against yourself you can be second best. That's obviously excellent for your self-esteem but you seem to be the only one who even cares slightly. Never the matter, since the competition was all over and Ocean decided to have you all go to the fair to celebrate.

Despite being one of the newer members of the choir you also happened to be one of the most sarcastic in town. Which sometimes made you seem like a real mean girl. At least you weren't the most narcissistic.

Children of all ages swarm around the fair, having headed over from school as this was the most exciting thing Uranium had seen in well.....ever. You lingered behind the choir group, face hardened in your usual pissy expression.

In the corner of your eye you spotted a fortune telling machine, piquing your interest strangely enough. You found yourself walking towards the machine, feet tapping against the stone ground.

With the small bit of money you had, you put it in the machine ready for your fortune to be told. Karnak, as his big, bold sign above his head proclaimed, stirred to his artificial life. He was creepy as hell but you were here anyhow, ready to hear whatever he might say.

"Be on the lookout for coming events; They cast their shadows beforehand." The machine spoke, eyes blinking robotically, "Don't forget to ride the cyclone."

Your eyes traveled to where said ride was high above the ground, sounds of excited screaming and laughing filling the air. Staying still for a moment, you stared at the ride while watching the riders go on and on, around and around.

The tall ride loomed over the entire fair, shadows casted upon the ground. It was larger than life, something to excite in the dull world of Uranium.

Then your attention snapped to the other members of the choir, who were coming nearer. With an exasperated sigh, you returned to the group. Ocean was leading them all around, seemingly pleased you had returned.

"It is so dumb that we're even here. All because Ocean told us to?" You complained, scoffing as you rejoined the group. Noel Grueber, the most romantic boy in town,was staring wistfully into the distance, as he typically chose to do. He was a dreamer, that's for sure.

"It is not dumb, [Name]! We are here to have fun and enjoy ourselves after getting second place!" Ocean said gleefully, clapping her hands together, "You should all be happy! We did well in the competition, much thanks to me."

"Oh yeah, really impressive. Especially considering we were the only ones competing." you retorted, a sarcastic tilt to your voice. Ocean's eye twitched but she maintained that squeaky clean persona you were itching to scrub away. She turned away, casting her one hundred watt smile towards her 'best friend' Constance.

Constance Blackwood, the nicest girl in town. It was astounding she hadn't grown bitter in this hellish prison. What you wouldn't do to get out of this place, be a person beyond Uranium. Yet Constance seemed content, she was so sweet and loving. You weren't sure whether you were envious or if you admired her.

"I want to ride the cyclone. The ride has everything, twists, turns, even loop-de-loop!" Mischa announced, arms crossed over his chest like the bad boy he presented himself to be. Mischa Bachinski, the angriest boy in town. Well, he only sometimes seemed to be the angriest one. You didn't quite know his story, but he was the one you were most fascinated by.

It reminded you of the fortune teller reminding you to ride the cyclone, along with the strange fortune you had received. It was like Karnak was foreshadowing something, but how could you know what it is before it happens?

"Perfect! Sounds like something we can all do!" Ocean giggled, then glanced at Ricky who was staring at her with an unreadable expression, "How does that sound, hun?"

Her condescending tone was like scratching your skin off, it was utterly unbearable. Ricky just gave her a blank look, not even bothering to communicate through facial expressions. Maybe you should learn ASL to properly talk to him. Ricky Potts, somebody nobody fully knew or rather fully listened to.

"I.. don't really like.." Constance started to say but immediately cut herself off when Ocean sent her a glare, "I mean I love roller coasters."

"Yayyy choir bonding." You said, rolling your eyes as you ironically did jazz hands. (Sarcasm is a language and you're fluent.)

Ocean either didn't pick up on your tone or didn't care because she started marching towards the ride, forcing the rest of you in tow. This totally blows. Even still you followed as though she has an invisible grip stringing you along with her stupid plans.

Next thing you know, you find yourself strapped into the ride. You were sitting beside Mischa, with everybody else spread across the cart. You glanced back and noticed a girl in the cart all by herself, with short black hair. She seemed surprised you noticed her but then she smiled shyly.

Your attention returned to ride as it creaked to life. It wasn't like you were super against roller coasters, but a sense of dread was fizzing in the bottoms of your stomach. But there was nothing you could do, with the ride creaking to a start.

You squeezed the bar like it was the only thing holding you together, causing Mischa to glance at you and snort. Sending him a glare, you continued to hold onto the bar.

The ride was going okay, it was fun and it was merry. Hesitantly you started to relax, realizing your anxiety was probably nothing. It was nothing and you were fine, everything was fine. Just like Mischa had said, there were twists and turns, drifts and drops. You felt a giggle bubble out of your throat, the rest of your terror melting at the hands of joy.

Well until the cyclone did a drop, a loud screeching noise piercing your brain. Your expression faltered for a moment as the ride started up the loop de loop. [e/c] eyes turned to look behind you, your stomach dropped as you watched that mysterious girl get hit by a falling piece of the roller coaster. Her head cut off, hanging on by a small piece of her flesh for a moment before it tumbled away entirely. Holy fuck.

Instinctively, you reached out to hold Mischa since he was nearest and he returned your hold. You squeezed each other and the ride detached from the rails, crashing towards the ground like a meteor towards Earth.

It was fascinating, being this close to death and seeing everything go by. It was almost in slow motion, the sounds of screaming, screeching, and delirious laughter filling your ear.

Closer and closer, your heart was like a bullet train in your chest. This was truly the end. Only seventeen and having never left this godforsaken town. Your life was nothing but a grain of sand on the beach of the universe, a mere star in the sky. You were nothing, at the end of it all.

Wait waited for you once your skull crushed against the ground? What was beyond the side that separates the living and otherwise? Why was this your ending? Why was your story cut short?

Finally, you felt the heavyweight released as you reunited with the ground. One last cry left your lips before your vision turned black, consciousness slipping beyond your feeble grasp.

Goodbye, to this town and everyone in it. Goodbye to all. 

𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 | 𝐦.𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now