Chapter 11

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In the morning Aurora thought to gain Rylan's trust knowing she needed to act carefully. She navigated her way down the stairs her steps measured and deliberate. When she spotted Rylan lounging on the sofa she turned to the maid nearby.

"Where is Mr Victor?" she asked her tone polite but firm.

The maid recognizing Aurora's need guided her toward Rylan. Aurora cleared her throat before speaking.

"Mr Victor" she began her voice steady despite the underlying anxiety.

Rylan looked up from his place on the sofa raising an eyebrow in mild surprise "Yes?

"I would like to take my leave" Aurora said trying to sound resolute.

Rylan's expression shifted to confusion "Why?"

"I just want to leave from here" she repeated her voice trembling slightly.

"If you're going because of my yesterday behavior I assure you I was just... so worked up"

Aurora brow furrowed as she tried to process his words "Worked up? You tried to kill me and you're saying it was just being worked up?" Aurora's voice rose tears beginning to glisten in her eyes

Rylan's expression softened at the sight of her tears his resolve wavering. He stood up abruptly and walked toward her. Gently, he guided her to sit beside him on the sofa.

"Listen" Rylan began his tone more measured "I did wrong. I know I am not justifying my actions and I apologized for what happened"

Aurora's eyes widened in shock at his unexpected apology. Rylan himself was taken aback by his own words feeling a mix of embarrassment and sincerety. He quickly tried to regain his composure.

"It won't happen again" he added firmly

"you can stay here" With that Rylan stood and exited the room leaving Aurora stunned and speechless.

She remained seated her mind reeling from his unexpected apology and the surprising shift in his demeanor.

As Rylan stepped out from the mansion the chill of the morning air did little to cool the storm brewing inside him. He loosened the knot of his tie trying to ease the tension he felt in his chest.

His actions and words from earlier seemed almost surreal to him now. He had seen a side of himself that was unfamiliar one that was unusually gentle and even apologetic. This was not the Rylan Victor he knew he was supposed to be unyielding, stoic, and detached. Yet in Aurora's presence he had found himself responding in ways that were out of character.

Rylan tried to process the situation but the more he thought about it the more he realized that the tears in Aurora's eyes had a profound impact on him that he can't bear .The emotional impact of Aurora's tears would be a challenge he'd need to confront but it was clear now that he couldn't ignore or dismiss the effect she had on him.

Aurora decided to go study of Rylan with her heart pounded in her chest as she took the opportunity to slip out of sight. The guards footsteps echoed down the corridor growing fainter with every second. She crouched low carefully moving behind the tall marble pillars that lined the hallway her breaths shallow her pulse quickening.

She could see the door to his study just a few feet away the last barrier between her and the crucial information she sought. With one final glance around Aurora dashed towards the door and slipped inside.

The study was dimly lit the only light coming from a faintly glowing desk lamp.Aurora didn't waste a moment. She moved swiftly towards the laptop on the grand mahogany desk. She opened the laptop her fingers hovering over the keys.

"Come on Claus" she whispered to herself entering the first password he had provided. The screen flashed red denying her access. Frustration furrowed her brow as she tried the next one and then the next. Each time the rejection was swift and final.

"Damn it" she hissed under her breath. Time was slipping through her fingers like sand. Just as she was about to abandon the task there was a creak the door to the study began to open.

Aurora's heart skipped a beat. She glanced around frantically spotting a tall bookshelf nearby In a swift motion she darted behind it pressing herself against the cold wood willing her breathing to steady.

A maid entered humming softly to herself as she began dusting the shelves. Aurora remained perfectly still barely daring to breathe. The maid was taking her time moving closer and closer to Aurora's hiding spot.

"Why tonight of all nights?" Aurora thought bitterly. The seconds felt like hours and the tension in the air was palpable. She knew that if the maid found her the consequences would be severe.

Finally, the maid finished her task and left the study closing the door behind her with a soft click. Aurora let out a silent breath of relief her heart still racing. She waited for a moment ensuring the coast was clear before slipping out from behind the bookshelf.

"That was too close" she muttered to herself her mind racing. There had to be another way. She couldn't leave empty handed she immediately left from there to her room .

Aurora carefully slipped out of the study her nerves still on edge from the close call with the maid. She moved down the hallway her footsteps light and deliberate. Just as she was about to turn the corner a voice from behind startled her.

"What are you doing here?"

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