Chapter 18

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Aurora entered the garden her heart pounding in her chest. The scene that greeted her was one she could have never prepared for. Leo was lying on the ground blood pooling around him staining the grass with its dark ominous red.

Rylan and his guards surrounded him The sight was paralyzing. Aurora stood frozen her mind struggling to comprehend what was happening.

She couldn't afford to let her plan fall apart not when they were so close to bringing Rylan down. But she couldn't let Leo die either. The conflict tore at her leaving her rooted to the spot for a moment that felt like an eternity.

Then, something inside her snapped propelling her into action. She knew she had to do something anything to save Leo. Without another thought she ran towards Rylan forcing herself to act to be strong even though every fiber of her being was screaming in despair.

As she approached she could hear Rylan's cold commanding voice "You tried to cross me" he spat his tone dripping with venom. He turned to his guards his eyes blazing with fury "Kill him" he ordered his voice sharp and final.

The guards was about to move but before they could move Rylan turned and saw Aurora. Her sudden appearance seemed to catch him off guard.

For a moment, his expression softened but it quickly hardened again as he clenched his jaw.

Aurora, her eyes filled with unshed tears forced herself to walk toward him her steps deliberate despite the chaos around her though her heart was breaking inside.

"Are killing someone Mr Victor?" she asked her voice trembling with a mix of anger and sorrow.

Rylan's jaw tightened further his eyes narrowing as he tried to mask the flicker of doubt that crossed his face.

"Go from here Bella" he said in a rough commanding tone. But Aurora didn't move "No" she replied firmly her voice rising in defiance "Why should I go? You're killing someone! Who are you huh? a killer ?" Who allowed you to kill someone Mr Victor? Her voice cracked as she spat the words.

Rylan's eyes flashed with anger "Yes I'm a killer.I'm a mafia! I will do what I want to do " he snapped his voice full of cold conviction. He turned to his guards his decision made "Kill him" he ordered his tone leaving no room for mercy.

Aurora felt the ground slip from under her feet. The life seemed to drain from her body leaving her feeling hollow and weak. Desperation clawed at her as she reached out grabbing Rylan's arm in a final frantic attempt to stop him.

"Mr Victor stop! Don't do this!" she pleaded, her voice breaking as she held onto him. "You're not this type of person.Please, Mr Victor don't do this"

For a moment, Rylan hesitated his eyes flickering with something unspoken as he looked down at her hand gripping his arm. But whatever emotion had surfaced quickly vanished replaced by the cold ruthless mask he always wore.

He jerked his arm free from her grasp his face hardening as he turned away from her. Aurora's heart shattered as she watched him give the final signal to his guards. Her gaze darted to Leo, who looked at her with a sad resigned smile as if he knew this was the end.

The sound of the gunshot echoed in the garden loud and final. Aurora's world spun and she felt herself slipping away the strength leaving her legs as the full weight of the situation crashed down on her. She barely registered the pain of her own grief as darkness began to close in around her.

Her vision blurred and the last thing she saw before everything went black was Leo lifeless body the life she had fought so hard to protect slipped through her fingers

After sometime when Aurora regained consciousness she found herself in a dimly lit room her whole body was drenched in sweat . She felt disoriented her body heavy with exhaustion and grief. As the memories of the garden flooded back a sharp pain pierced her chest and she let out a strangled cry. Leo was gone she hadn't been able to save him.

Her heart ached as she sat up tears streaming down her face. She couldn't erase the image of Leo's lifeless body the sound of the gunshot that had sealed his fate. The guilt gnawed at her tearing her apart from the inside.

Stumbling to her feet she made her way to the bathroom her body trembling. The cold tiles felt like ice beneath her feet as she reached for her earpiece with shaking hands. She needed to hear a familiar voice someone who could help her make sense of the nightmare she was living. She contact Claus, barely able to stand.

When he answered, his voice was calm but she could hear the concern in his tone "Aurora? What's happened?"

She choked back a sob struggling to find her voice "Claus, I couldn't save him... Leo... he's gone" Her voice broke as she spoke the weight of her words crashing down on her "I couldn't do anything... Rylan-he killed him.

"Aurora" Claus said gently, trying to soothe her you need to calm down Don't lose yourself "He said

"Please Claus take me from here I can't survive here please Claus" she pleaded

I'll do something. Just hold on okay?" He said

But Aurora couldn't stop the tears. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Leo his smiling face the way he used to joke with her.

She remembered how he would tease her calling her out when she was too serious. "Are you going with Mr Mafia hmm?" he'd say with a playful grin. The memory hit her like a tidal wave and she cried harder, clutching the phone as if it were a lifeline.

Leo had been like a brother to her someone she trusted with her life someone who had always been there for her. The realization that she would never see him again never hear his laugh or feel his comforting presence was too much to bear. She cried until she had no tears left her body shaking with the force of her grief.

The whole night seemed endless every minute stretching into an eternity of sorrow. But then a soft knock on the window broke through her misery.

Aurora froze her breath catching in her throat. Wiping her tear-streaked face she cautiously approached the window and opened it her heart racing.

It was Claus relief flooded through her as she saw his familiar face and she immediately threw her arms around him sobbing into his chest. Claus held her tightly his strong arms offering the comfort she desperately needed.

"We have to get out of here" Claus whispered urgently pulling back to look her in the eye "We don't have much time"

Aurora nodded her tears still falling but she knew he was right. She couldn't stay here not now. The weight of the events of the day pressed down on her but she forced herself to focus. Claus had come for her and he would get her out of this nightmare.

They moved quickly climbing down the window with quiet practiced precision. Aurora's heart pounded as they made their way to the waiting car every shadow seeming to hold a threat. But with Claus by her side she felt a glimmer of hope Once they were safely inside the car.

Aurora released a deep shuddering sigh. She closed her eyes leaning back against the seat as exhaustion finally overtook her. The car began to move taking her away from the horror she had just experienced. But even as the distance between her and that dreadful place she knew the scars of this night would stay with her forever.

Claus reached over gently squeezing her hand offering silent support. Aurora didn't have the strength to say anything but she squeezed back grateful for his presence. As they drove through the dark streets. Aurora let herself drift her mind finally giving in to the overwhelming need to escape if only for a little while.

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