Midnight coffee 🩷 ⭐️🪶

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It's currently 2:47 am, I haven't gone to sleep, nor have i ate or drank anything. I'm currently on my laptop writing poems. I love poetry, it's so beautiful and relaxing.

As i'm typing away, i start to feel like i'm gonna fall asleep. It makes sense because i haven't slept in 2 days. I got up from my desk and slowly headed to the door. I opened the door, being quiet as possible, being careful to not wake Fearless up. She needs her precious beauty sleep.

After i slowly close the door, i make my way downstairs in this big ass house. I've only been here for almost 4 months and boy was it chaotic, there was always never a dull moment unless people were sleeping.

When i make it to the kitchen, i open the cabinet and grabbed a coffee cup. I close the cabinet and make my way to the coffee machine. I grab a cup and fill it with water, and then i open the lid and pour the water into the water compartment. I got the cup with the pre-grounded coffee beans and placed it in the little hole.

But as i was about to close the lid, the flashback suddenly crossed my mind, I mean the time Speak Now tried to convince me Meredith broke my laptop.

I slammed the lid, a little too loud.


I heard something faintly slam. I was half asleep, but it still startled me. I rubbed my eyes until they fully adjusted to the dim light of the lamp in me and Poet's room.

I noticed she...wasn't there, maybe she tripped on her way to use the bathroom.

I opened the door, making sure not to wake up Holiday Collection and Speak Now on either side of my room.

I went downstairs and found Poet with her fingertips on the lid of the water compartment, with a scared expression.

"What's going on?"

I asked with a sleepy voice, confused.

"Uhh...I was going to make some coffee..."

She replied with a voice that indicated that she thought she was busted.

I took she hand, and slowly intertwined my fingers around hers.

"Come on, let's get you to bed, you haven't slept in 2 days"

Poet sighed, almost like she was annoyed by the idea of sleeping.


She replied with an annoyed tone.

I dragged her upstairs, and opened the door slowly, then walked towards the bed, I pulled her down with me.

"Come on baby, rest now.."

I rested her head on my chest, and she fell asleep.

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