darker times

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"darker times," music blasting in my headphones, scanning over New York for the last time for a long time

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"darker times," music blasting in my headphones, scanning over New York for the last time for a long time.

I would miss that crazy place, despite the insanely large rats and scary homeless bums. It came with some character building I wouldn't trade for the world.

" Mari what you want from McDonald's." mom asked as she pulled into the McDonald's parking lot.

"umm a 9 chicken nugget meal, large fry and a coke please."

"alright, and you Lainee ." Lainee my 7 year old sister, literally my mini me.

"ummm can I get a big mac."

"girl please be serious right now we have places to be."

"I am being serious."

"okay hamburger happy meal for you."
Lainee sighed deeply, she always trying some cheeky shit.

I was really moving to Atlanta, damn.

The one thing I was dreading was having to introduce myself to everyone.

It can get tiring repeating your name to the 20th person in a day.

But I was excited for a fresh start, dealing with a lot of trauma and mental health problems from a young age it caused me to lash out insanely.

Being a child experiencing what I did I always thought it was normal, and when I learnt it wasn't the only way I could deal with it was , being angry, self pity and weed.

All three of those things caused me to have a horrendous attitude in school, loose a lot of friends and destroy myself mentally and physically.

Junior year I realised I needed to change, and my way of life was only hurting myself. I was only close and trusted Kyra, my best friend, I made up with people I had beef with owning my mistakes and vice versa.

behaved in school but weed was one thing I struggled to drop. Guess I'll stop when I get caught.

People always say those who peaked in high school were losers in adulthood. And I definitely did not peak in my 3 years of high school.

But I was hoping this Senior year I would have the time of my life. I was happy with how I looked , working hard for my body and growing into my face.

Now it's time for the universe to shift me into a group of friends.

My eyes fluttered into deep slumber.

"Just 2 more hours babies." I heard my mom say before I was fell into unconsciousness.

" I heard my mom say before I was fell into unconsciousness

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I started at the Dior as she rolled onto her side.
Why have sex with someone if you feel so dirty after.

I was bored .

Her red braids sprawled on my pillow.

"How you getting home." Hinting I wanted her out of my house.

"wha-what do you mean." She said sitting up a confused and hurt look on her face.

"how.are.you.getting.home." I may have been rude and blunt but I wasn't in the mood for a big argument.

"well I thought I was spending the night like I used to."


"what the hell Remi ." She was out the bed now angrily putting her clothes on.

"we not like that it's Jeremiah."

"whatever, I drove here but honestly fuck you." She stormed out the room and slammed the door.

"don't slam my fucking door." i sighed at her childish behaviour.

why would I want a relationship when it's so much hard work.

they expect so much, give so little?

why can't girls understand what a quick fuck is, no expectations, no commitment. so fucking simple.

I knew Dior would give me a hard time once senior year started.

a long hot shower and some weed is what I needed right now.

and someone new to fuck.

thank you for reading the first chapter

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thank you for reading the first chapter.
disclaimer I'm neither from New York or Atlanta so idk how they speak soz xxx
hopefully you can see the two personalities of the characters and hopefully there will be some character building.

pls vote and comment!
bye 💋

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