Chapter 11: Icky Feelings

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August 12th, 2024.

Current Time: 6:00 PM.

Contains: Fluff, Talk About Pregnancy, And Wholesome Celestial Family Bonding.

Do not read if you are uncomfortable with pregnancy!


(Y/N)'s POV

When I powered on, I was met with quite the headache. It literally felt like my head was getting crushed over and over again. Thinking back to the night before, my eyes widened at a possible cause for my current distress.

Could I really be pregnant?! Am I even programmed to feel this way? What will Sun and Moon think?

Multiple thoughts spiralled through my mind, and they all centered on the fact that I truly could be pregnant. Standing to my feet, albeit on shaky legs, I suddenly felt a wave of nausea overcome me and I hurriedly rushed into my bathroom attached to my room.


After You Take Care Of Yourself

"I feel better for now at least," I said quietly to myself, unaware that Moon was now awake.

"Not feeling well Starlight?" he asked me, making me jump slightly.

"I didn't realize you were awake at this time Moony, and I'm not sure how I feel. I woke up with a headache, and then I had the urge to vomit. Could my corruption be coming back, or is this what the humans call 'pregnancy?'" I asked, making air quotes with my fingers.

Moon's expression was a mix of both shock and excitement, as he too was trying to grasp onto the concept of what could be wrong with me, but also being excited that he might be a Father of a biological child.

"It very well could be (Y/N). The symptoms you're experiencing highly match to pregnancy, so I think it's best to assume that you are indeed pregnant," the Nighttime Attendant said matter of factly.

"I'm an animatronic though, how does a pregnancy even work for me?!" I asked while I mentally freaked out.

"According to my scanners, you've been equipped with a special chip that's supposed to download a parental code that me and Sun type into your software. Then from there, that code will be downloaded into your system, and then at some point after that the resulting child will be born," Moon explained, causing my brain to buffer.

"How the hell do you know all of that?!" I asked again, giving him a questionable look.

"I may have ease dropped on one of the conversations your Mechanic had with you about being able to create a child while they were upgrading you," the Nighttime Jester admitted, blushing in shame.

"Typical Moony, always being mischievous,"~ I teased, placing a kiss on his cheek. Sometime during my conversation with Moon, Sun woke up, and he immediately wanted to know what he had missed.


One Lengthy Explanation Later

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!?!" Sun literally shouted, his rays spinning rapidly around his head.

"Only after you and Moon enter the code to make me download the data of our child," I told him, causing Sun to instantly inspect the wire box on the back of my head.

"Someone's excited,"~ I teased him, causing the Daytime Jester to blush.

"Maybe a little bit more than excited," Sun admitted, getting ready to type his half of the code into my software.

"Are you sure you're up for this Starlight? Taking care of a baby animatronic is a lot different than taking care of (C/N)," Moon asked, looking at me in approval before he proceeded to enter his part of the code.

"I'm definitely sure I want to do this Moony. You two deserve a biological child instead of an adopted one, which I'll admit, you both have done a great job at caring for (C/N)," I said, kissing both of them on the lips.

"Now you have both of our parental codes Starlight. I'm not sure how long you'll be downloading the information for though," Moon spoke with worry.

"Relax Moonlight, I'm sure it won't be so-," I didn't get to finish my sentence before I powered down to start downloading the information.



It had apparently been three hours since I've been downloading the information, and the progress was just now at 100%. I could hear Sun panicking nearby, and as soon as I powered on again, I was engulfed in a hug from the bubbly animatronic.

"YOU HAD ME SO WORRIED SUNSHINE!!!! I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER WAKE UP!!!!" Sun cried, burying his faceplate into my chest.

"I didn't expect to be downloading for so long. I'm sorry I worried you," I said, my voice riddled with guilt.

"Don't apologize (Y/N)! I'm glad to be one of the Fathers of your robot child!" Sun beaned, rubbing my stomach.

"I can pretty much choose when to have the child built, as something in my programming will automatically put it together," I told him, watching as his eyes lit up in joy.

"So you can have it built now?!" Sun asked, and as much as I'd like to build the little one now, I was a bit tired.

"Not right now Sunny, I'm a little worn out from downloading the large file, but I promise I'll have the child built in a few days," I said, earning a nod from the bubbly Daycare Attendant.

"That's fine with me Sunshine! You go rest up in your room with Moon while I get the Daycare ready for the day!" Sun beamed as I made my way towards my room.


In Your Room

"Come rest Starlight. I'll keep you company," Moon said softly, my eyes already feeling heavy as I sat down.

"The robot child will be built in three days," I whispered, cuddling up with Moon before I went into Sleep Mode.

"Sleep well (Y/N). I can't wait to see what the child will look like," was the last thing Moon said before he too entered Sleep Mode with his head resting on top of mine.


A/N: Sorry for a shorter chapter but I'm saving up for the arrival of the robot child. I also want to say that there will be one more chapter written after this one before I put this story on a hiatus again. I'm feeling myself wanting to go back into the Hazbin Hotel fandom and write more of my Hazbin Hotel books for a bit.


Word Count: 1,057.

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